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Expansion or conjob?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Catt
    Why are the forums suddenly experiencing a spike in trolls? And why are the trolls so uninspired? Is there some external event that I missed to explain it?
    Yes Catt. Expectations are rising as anticipation of PtW grows and the natives are getting restless.
    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


    • #17
      Originally posted by notyoueither

      Yes Catt. Expectations are rising as anticipation of PtW grows and the natives are getting restless.
      Ah - of course. Quite right. Carry on.


      • #18
        Originally posted by UberKruX
        sure they're making you pay $30 for features that could have been included in the regular game. BUT THEY'RE GIVING YOU MORE CIVS. ALL THOSE LEADERHEADS! THEY HIRED A WHOLE NEW ART STAFF TO PUMP THIS BABY OUT ON TIME! THEY HAD TO FIRE THE CODERS TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE ARTISITS.

        erm, [/rant]

        Don't forget, they have also added animated SPLASHES for sea bombardment!! Wow.

        What more could we want??


        • #19
          Originally posted by Jaybe
          "I rant on your ranting"
          In the tone of "I fart in your direction" (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)

          Would you have preferred that they did everything without player input to get the improvements we have had in the last 9 months?

          Just imagine, they could have delayed the release of the whole game until now (or later), and you would probably had to accept a 'final' game without most of that input. The assistance of all this 'playtesting' is of much greater value than a handful of beta-testers (especially if inhouse) that they could not have afforded in the first place. Not to mention all the pleasure that MANY people have had since its initial release!
          In all seriousness, I was not asked if I wanted to pay over $50 in November to be a playtester for a beta game.

          Secondly, the "input" Firaxis has responded to has been very limited and grudging. They ignored over five years of input on forums after Civ 2 as we all discussed an upcoming Civ 3, and then it took them four patches to get SOME things right.

          Did it really take all those patches to figure out we needed a "fortify all" command?

          Why have they ignored complaints about such as unlimited MP's on RR's; a maximum range of only '8' for bombers; no modifier or 'off' switch for flipping??

          After repeated complaints about the slowness of the game Firaxis slowed it down even more with patch 1.21.

          Firaxis' level of responsiveness to actual significant changes (not mere bug corrections) has been very limited indeed.

          And new lipstick on the same old game (with PTW) is not the answer.


          • #20
            Amazing how the fanboys never really debate the subject, rather they call anyone who disagrees with them a troll and a whiner. When you pay money for something you earn the right to criticize it if you feel you were swindeled. For you to sit there and tell me and anyone else who speaks out against Firaxis that we should just go play another game is lame at best. This forum is here to voice opinions, if you can't refute the arguments I have presented then don't post. I do like alot of things about civ3, but there are too many factors that outweigh the good things and I will continue to voice as many complaints as I like.

            Firaxis isn't player friendly? they are on this board all the time responding to queries and complaints and have released numerous patches. Give me a break.
            Actually firaxis responds to complaints with this And they respond to queries only if they are allowed to answer it.

            Backlash? Aside from a few vocal posters, I haven't seen that much of a backlash, and the game sold very well. Hardly incredible.
            Were you not here a few months ago when this board was filled with nothing but complaints? Maybe it was a figment of my imagination. And correct me if I'm wrong but the game did not sell as well as civ2.


            • #21
              Re: Expansion or conjob?

              Oh, goodie. Multiple choice.

              Expansion or conjob?

              (Let me see. They are going to add more features . . .

              "Multiplayer Modes: Includes Turn-Based and Simultaneous game types and appearing for the first time in a Civilization game, a Turn-less mode. Provides full TCP-IP/LAN, Hotseat and Play be Email support.
              Multiplayer games: Face off against the best Civilization players worldwide with fast-paced multiplayer games like Elimination, Domination, Regicide and Capture the Flag.
              Eight new Civilizations featuring new Leaders including: Genghis Khan Temujin, King Hannibal, Queen Isabella and King Brennus, and all new units will challenge your diplomatic and combat skills.
              Enhanced Scenario Editor, including new unit and tile sets lets players construct a Scenario from any time period.
              Players can strengthen their empire with:
              new map features like outposts, airfields and radar towers
              new guerilla and medieval infantry units
              new wonders and city improvements like the stock market or the Internet

              Updated interface improvements like auto bombard, rally points, stacked movement and a streamlined espionage interface allow for more efficient management.
              A dazzling new opening cinematic and combat animations bring your Civilization world to life like never before.
              Easier-to-use interface for streamlined management and better control."
              . . . plus they are going to charge money for it. That would make it an expansion, I think, not a patch. Maybe an upgrade. No, that's not on the multiple choice list. Conjob means swindle which is illegal. No pending legal action, so that doesn't apply.)

              I pick expansion!
              Last edited by Zachriel; August 10, 2002, 11:04.


              • #22
                Re: Expansion or conjob?

                Originally posted by HappySunShine
                and correct me if I'm wrong but radar towers were in EE.
                You are wrong.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Coracle

                  In all seriousness, I was not asked if I wanted to pay over $50 in November to be a playtester for a beta game.

                  Secondly, the "input" Firaxis has responded to has been very limited and grudging. They ignored over five years of input on forums after Civ 2 as we all discussed an upcoming Civ 3, and then it took them four patches to get SOME things right.

                  Did it really take all those patches to figure out we needed a "fortify all" command?

                  Why have they ignored complaints about such as unlimited MP's on RR's; a maximum range of only '8' for bombers; no modifier or 'off' switch for flipping??

                  After repeated complaints about the slowness of the game Firaxis slowed it down even more with patch 1.21.

                  Firaxis' level of responsiveness to actual significant changes (not mere bug corrections) has been very limited indeed.

                  And new lipstick on the same old game (with PTW) is not the answer.
                  Firaxis wont change things that only some people are opposed to, and to be fair they have included ways to change many of the complained about rules in the editor.

                  It does frustrate me when I see franchises (such as Star Wars, Star Trek, maybe Civ) take their loyal fan base for granted and 'sell out' by sacrificing progress for broader appeal.
                  "What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive?" Irv Kupcinet

                  "It's easy to stop making mistakes. Just stop having ideas." Unknown


                  • #24
                    wasn't the fact there was no MP made known to people when the game was released? they had the choice to buy the game then or wait until the expansion became available, too late to moan now, you didn't have to buy Civ3 then and you don't have to buy the expansion now. whats the problem?

                    PS please don't say you thought MP would come as a free patch, beause it was obvious from Firaxis' repeated 'no comments' on the subject (not to say the past history (Civ1 and Civ2)) that they intended to charge for it


                    • #25
                      Several of your guys blame Firaxis, which I think is really not justified. The problem lies with INFOGRAMES, they are the who determines the game release date and the its package content.


                      • #26
                        Granted, stuff like stack movement should have been fixed long ago in a patch, not hyped up as a feature of the expansion.
                        But the initial rant is pretty unfounded. You claim its not an expansion if the 'new' features (like ctf) have appeared in some form in other games? Come on. They haven't appeared in civ3 yet, and are thus new to civ3. They EXPAND upon civ 3. For anything really unique, we will have to wait for civ 4
                        Were it not for the presence of the unwashed and the half-educated, the formless, queer and incomplete, the unreasonable and the absurd, the infinite shapes of the delightfull human tadpole, the horizon would not wear so wide a grin--Frank Moore Colby


                        • #27
                          TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY?

                          Here something else that needs to be fixed - territorial integrity.

                          This relates to this "Expansion" thread in that it is a sleazy cheat the AI uses to expand.

                          I am sick and tired of rival civ's units marching past my borders and having to be TOLD, over and over and over, to get out.

                          Often they don't leave until the third turn after we've reached the "Declare War or Get Out" phase. That is especially so with those irritating land-grabbing settlers.

                          If I attack these jerks I take a rep hit. But I often get blamed for things I never did anyway, so I may as well atack.

                          It sucks.

                          FIX IT, FIRAXIS.


                          • #28
                            Obviously the AI has every bit as much respect for you as most of us do for your posts Coracle.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Ethelred
                              Obviously the AI has every bit as much respect for you as most of us do for your posts Coracle.
                              Well said!


                              • #30
                                Above all, avoid zeal. --Tallyrand.

