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  • #16
    Add Aboriginies (sp?) or Australians to fill up the often un-used Austrailia on the world maps
    [This message has been edited by Zulu Elephant (edited April 05, 2000).]


    • #17
      And when you're negotiating with a civ, a specific background midi 'anthem' or even video could be playing - which also changes thru time...

      And I think there should be about 20 leaders, like this:-

      1. Ancient Despot
      2. Ancient Monarch
      3. Ancient Fundamentalist
      4. Ancient Republican/Democrat
      5. Medieval Despot
      6. Medieval Monarch
      7. Medieval Fundamentalist
      8. Medieval Republican/Democrat
      9. Industrial Dicatator
      10. Industrial communist
      11. Industrial Fundamentalist
      12. Industrial Monarch
      13. Industrial Republican/Democrat
      14. Modern Dictator/Army General
      15. Modern Communist
      16. Modern Fundamentalist
      17. Modern Republican
      18. Modern Democrat
      19. Future (?)

      ICQ: 17719980


      • #18
        Surely that would be too many.
        20 leaders x 50 civs = 1000 different leaders.

        You'd have to limit the graphics to one picture to each leader to avoid using up memory. Anyway, if you did it with historical names, I probably wouldn't have heard of half of them. I could think of only about 6 Roman leaders off the top of my head.

        Maybe each civ would only have a few leaders off the list you proposed?


        • #19
          I'm an Aussie but I was never fussed about the existence of an Australian civ in CTP, but the point above about having Aborigines/Australians so they could fill in the continent sounds like a smart idea.

          As for civilizations, I was of the opinion CTP went too far with its number of civs, prferring Civ 2's number. Perhaps there should be an extra folder or something where people can store special civs they download/create if they want to play a specific race. Of course the game should provide the user with the ability to create their own civs easily this way.


          • #20
            Okay, 20 / civ maybe too much..

            But I think we get the message that leaders should change with time AND government..
            And of course, the names should be historical..
            And the leaders don't change for YOU..

            PS. How do we get ideas (like this one) onto the EC3 list? Do we just rely on korn and Theben and co. reading it and liking it?

            ICQ: 17719980


            • #21
              As to the number of civs, since people(including me) want lots of civs at a time, the current 1 colour per civ thing obviously isn't going to work.
              I was thinking you could give the major nations (maybe 12 of them) one colour each, and the minor nations two colours, put on top of each other on some kind of flag.
              When one of the minor nations becomes a major one, they use whichever one of their colours which isn't already used.
              e.g. French - Red and Darkblue
              English - White and Darkblue
              Mongols - Purple and Black
              Americans - Lightblue and Red
              Australians - Yellow and Darkblue
              Indians - Purple and Darkgreen etc,etc..
              I'd like to see heaps of civs, maybe 60-70, but only perhaps 36 at a time.
              [This message has been edited by Yuvo (edited April 07, 2000).]


              • #22
                I still believe that Firaxis should only release maybe 30 civs. Then about once a month release a new civ for us all to play. Each civ could have strenghts and weaknesses (slight changes in S.E., will not be that big but will be historical). The releases that they make once a month would be a perfect way to keep fans interested in the game and keep SMCIII from becoming like so many other forgotten good games.
                About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


                • #23
                  1st make the Polish Civ avaible in CIV III

                  2nd Realease as many civs as possible everyone wants their nationality included. Nobody wants to be mixed with a diffrent Nationality that they never belonged in the first place Like Poland and Russia Two diffrent Cultures.Dont Realese updates with civs not every one has the internet in Europe and that is what many of you americans are forgeting.75 Civs should be Fine.


                  • #24

                    Not sure how you can have an ancient Democratic/Republican, leader. Or Medieval Communist, Democratic leaders.

                    That would save one more leader. But it still maybe is to many if there are a lot of civs. But the idea should be included however maybe not every civ can have a certain leader? or is just not historically based because not every civ had some of those type of leaders.
                    About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


                    • #25
                      I think only some civs should have all of those leaders, like the Chinese. But in the case of the Americans, they wouldn't have ancient or medieval leaders.

                      IMO a good compromise would be 9 leaders per civ: 3 ancient, 3 medieval, 3 modern
                      but instead of being based on time period, it would be based on the order of the civ's leaders. Like for example the American's "ancient" leaders would include George Washinton, and their "medieval" leaders would include Abe Lincoln, while their modern leaders would include Kennedy etc.

                      Only civs like China would have leaders that really correspond to the time period.


                      • #26

                        Like the idea. But how would you split the three for each time period?

                        Ancient and Medieval like Shiva's
                        1. Republic/Democracy
                        2. Communist/Dictator/Despot
                        3. Fundamentalist/Monarch

                        I don't know how this will work with S.E. though.
                        About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


                        • #27
                          Actually, Tniem, I thought each civ could have different types of leaders, since a civ like Australia never had communist or fundamentalist leaders.
                          By the way, I think firaxis should release as many civs as they can with the game, but if people want to download new ones aswell, that would be pretty cool


                          • #28
                            tniem: There are a few ancient Athenian leaders who were staunch democrats(republicans?), just do a little research and you'll be surprised to find that they all weren't trying to make themselves king.

                            - Biddles

                            "Now that our life-support systems are utilising the new Windows 2027 OS, we don't have to worry about anythi......."
                            Mars Colonizer Mission
                            - Biddles

                            "Now that our life-support systems are utilising the new Windows 2027 OS, we don't have to worry about anythi......."
                            Mars Colonizer Mission


                            • #29
                              Whether or not civs are released should make no difference to people without internet access.. They could live with the 30-50-60 civs that come with the game.. Perhaps when they log on to Apolyton, they could download civs in the background..

                              And Indians should be orange/dark green..

                              I think I figure out the leaders thing:-

                              1. Ancient Despot/Fundamentalist
                              2. Ancient Monarch
                              3. Ancient Republican/Democracy
                              4. Medieval Despot/Fundamentalist/Communist
                              5. Medieval Monarch
                              6. Medieval Republican/Democrat
                              7. Industrial Dictator
                              8. " Monarch
                              9. " Fundamentalist
                              10. " Communist
                              11. " Republican/Democrat
                              12. Modern Dictator/General
                              13. " Communist
                              14. " Fundamentalist
                              15. " Republican
                              16. " Democrat.
                              17. Future (?)

                              ICQ: 17719980


                              • #30
                                Yes, but are the leaders going to do anything? We could argue 'til we're blue in the face about how many leaders each civ should have (let alone the arguments about who should be included and which type of leader they should be), but is it all that necessary for the amount of effort it would take? If they have an impact on the game, well then there's an argument for going to the trouble. But otherwise I'm unconvinced.

                                - MKL
                                - mkl

