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next generation turn-based strategy

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  • #16
    What happens when you've got multiple players? The computer would be pausing for their actions out of synch wrt/your actions. In the end you either have a standardized length for events (turns) or a full RTS system.


    • #17
      I don't unstand the pause inbetween arriving at a city and the battle beginning. If my enemy is stronger but I suprise them at a city they did not expect me to attack why should they get time to move their troops?

      Is the whole game other than battles RT?

      When you are taking turns battling in Naples is the RT clock still going elsewhere? Can more troops enter the fight after the battle began?

      I'm not sure I am really in favor of this type of idea but maybe I just don't have enough information or understand what is being proposed.
      About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


      • #18
        Good points about the time factor re:surprise attacks. My initial idea with the 1 minute delay was in case a person stepped away from the computer for a minute to say run to the washroom and he/she was attacked then. Your point makes more sense however so I will edit my idea. thx

        With the RT, battles is all I can think that would truly need it although am willing to listen to other ideas. My proposal does include that the RT continues in all other aspects of the game. This RT would also include the option of brining in reinforcements-however note that units would take a certain time period to get from point A to point B (meaning you order your troops from say Rome to Naples which is 6 squares away and the horsemen take 3 minutes to arrive while the legions take 6 minutes).

        I realize I have not explained this as fully as I should but that is cause I just want to give a general idea to what I propose. To go into full detail would take pages and pages. I am willing to further expand on the issues I have raised if you feel I could have explained a certain part in more detail however.

        [This message has been edited by Eagle Scream (edited April 11, 2000).]


        • #19
          I agree almost fully with "the diplomat". This is my idea in relation to what he has said of how the gameplay should go...

          I think for Civ 3 that gameplay should be simulatneous until battles take place. Meaning, you can move your troops/spies etc wherever while your enemy(ies) are moving their's but once you (or a rival) go to attack another then it takes you to a combat screen where the battles are turn based. The combat screen would be quite similar to Master of Orion 2 so that you would not have the problems of getting stacked units killed (such as happens in civ 2).

          hypothetical example:
          -large game starts with 3 humans.
          -2000+ years pass as humans keep exploring and building up their empires simulatneously.
          -The Aztec empire discovers the Roman city of Naples in 300AD but chooses not to attack and the game continues simultaneously for all players.
          -In 400AD the Aztecs with 5 catapults and 7 chariots attack the Roman city of Naples.

          -From here the game would still go on simultaneously for ALL players while this combat battle would be ON HOLD till the other player acknowledged he/she was ready (the battle would however automatically start if say 1 minute passed and the opponent did not respond or as soon as they moved any other unit/city feature not involved in the battle combat).
          (Also a turn is forfitted during battle if no response is given within 10 seconds of your opponent ending their turn-this would prevent stalling for time in order to bring in reinforcements).

          -After the set waiting time (1 minute) or when the Romans respond (which ever is first), the battle goes to the combat screen.
          *the only exception to this would be when the Romans were say in another battle combat with someone else. This battle would then start immediately after the previous one ended (although the Romans would not be notified of the following battle until finished with the current one).
          *Note also that ALL players can still move around their other troops freely and build etc. while these combats take place (since the combats will be in turn based and not real time this therefore should not mean a disadvantage to the combatants).

          -The battle combat screen (say a graph of 80*80) shows the city on the left with 2 legions and 10 archers defending it (this would show the layout of the city-like Sim City-therefore the place of all the buildings (marketplace etc) would be known assuming the Aztecs have INVESTIGATED it with diplomats before hand).

          -In this example say the Aztecs haven't INVESTIGATED Naples, so all the Aztecs see of the city is the CITY WALLS (surrounding the black unexplored city). (If Naples did not have CITY WALLS then all the Aztecs would see is the first row of civilian HOUSING).
          Note that the entire city would take up approximately a quarter of the combat board at most-depending on the city size of course.

          -For their first turn the Aztecs.
          -move each chariot towards the city
          -move each catapult towards the city
          -each catapult then fires at the city
          -the first catapult volley hits causing
          damage to the gate.
          -the second catapult volley misses and
          falls short.
          -the third catapult volley hits causing
          substantial damage to the gate.
          -the fourth catapult volley hits
          causing the city gates of Naples to
          -the 5th catapult volley is aimed
          inside the city (since the gates are
          now down) and hits an unknown target
          to the Aztecs (the Romans of course
          realize that one of their civilian
          housing units has been partially
          -The Romans now have their combat turn.
          -the Archers, all on top of the city
          walls fire their first volley of
          arrows at the incoming chariots
          killing 2 out of the 7 units and
          injuring 1.
          -The legions are moved out of the NOW
          open city gate and are moved towards
          the incoming chariots and catapults.
          -The Aztecs now have their 2nd turn.

          I really think this would work as this allow you to specifically target buildings if you want-say bombing just the SDI with a bomber (assuming you had that tech). Also it will make games much faster and combat much more realistic (I've never seen one shot cruise missle kill 6 destroyers in real life have you). If you have any further question let me know I will explain it more.

          [This message has been edited by Eagle Scream (edited April 11, 2000).]


          • #20
            In a multiplayergame i think that when u need to go to the bathroom or something u should be able to give your advisors full control. If someone attacks u when u are away your military advisor will then respond to the attack in a way he sees appropriate.

