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"Name Landmark" Feature

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Deathwalker
    I dont thik it matters. I never used in SMAC. There are more important things to put in PTW
    I agree, but I'd still like to see it!


    • #17
      Bump! hopefully someone at Firaxis sees this.
      My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


      • #18
        I really don't see how this feature is relevant to anything...


        • #19
          Originally posted by Zylka
          I really don't see how this feature is relevant to anything...

          Quite a reach in the quest for 500.

          Couldn't you have rewarded us with something more interesting to look at?
          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


          • #20
            Count me in. I would love to see this feature.
            Haven't been here for ages....


            • #21
              Jeff said that most of PtW is done now, and only imperative things would be included from this point on (the last turnchat). I'd love to see it, but don't hold your breath...


              • #22
                I think "name landmarks" should be included. I am sure this is quite easy to add to the game.


                • #23
                  post your comments here also.

                  My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


                  • #24
                    It would be cool to name landmarks in multiplayer... like where you won a battle or conquered some land or so
                    Try my Lord of the Rings MAP out: Lands of Middle Earth v2 NEWS: Now It's a flat map, optimized for Conquests

                    The new iPod nano: nano


                    • #25
                      Is it important? Not really. Would it be cool? Oh, yeah...
                      I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


                      • #26
                        I definitely support the "Landmark feature" idea.

                        Even thoguh it might not seem as an essential part of the gameplay, Civ is about making our own alternative histroy and what is a history book without names?


                        • #27
                          It would be useful for historical scenarios and I was an ardent champion of unique terrain tiles as well as names for Civ 3. One of the nicest things about exploring the map in Conquest of the New World was the discovery of nameable items, be it the tallest mountain, longest river or the like. Just a feelgood frill and utterly unimportant to those who are focussing purely on optimal expansion of course
                          To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Hagbart
                            It would be cool to name landmarks in multiplayer... like where you won a battle or conquered some land or so
                            It would be REAL nice in multiplayer, especially if the victor gets to name it and you taunt the other players!

                            "Mountains whereupon I spanked Lord Auger right mightily"

                            "The Tomb of Ming"

                            "Rusted Valley of Panzers"


                            • #29
                              Completely agree.

                              Of course it isn't necessary or revelant, it is a fluff feature. Not saying that is bad, that's just what it is. I for one would like it, as I was one to use it a lot in SMAC. It adds color and personality to the game, and that is something you can't ever have too much of.
                              You have offically reached the bottom of my post.


                              • #30
                                This wouldn't be particularly hard to add, would it? It wouldn't take much time at all.

