On the face of it, Sandman, I like your rolling stock Idea. The only problem I see is that, as you've described it, it might be open to some abuse.
What I think might work is to only count the number of railroad tiles that physically connect 2 or more cities in the rolling stock equation. Of course a better solution would be to make Civs pay maintainance for every tile that contains rail improvements. This will, hopefully reduce the abuse of RR's, regardless of what system is ultimately used (and eliminate RR sprawl-which is UGLY!!)
Another way of doing this, without Rolling Stock, is to give a RR square a "Capacity Rating". Simply put, this limits the number of units which can travel THROUGH (not onto) a square containing a RR (say 6-8/turn). In addition, a foot-unit might have a capacity of 1, for instance, wheras a tank or MA would have a capacity of 2 or even 3!! This, I feel, would elminate the problem you identified of disconnected RR contributing to empire wide Rolling stock, as it is calculated on a tile by tile basis. The only real problem I see is, as you said, will the AI know how to use it??
What I think might work is to only count the number of railroad tiles that physically connect 2 or more cities in the rolling stock equation. Of course a better solution would be to make Civs pay maintainance for every tile that contains rail improvements. This will, hopefully reduce the abuse of RR's, regardless of what system is ultimately used (and eliminate RR sprawl-which is UGLY!!)
Another way of doing this, without Rolling Stock, is to give a RR square a "Capacity Rating". Simply put, this limits the number of units which can travel THROUGH (not onto) a square containing a RR (say 6-8/turn). In addition, a foot-unit might have a capacity of 1, for instance, wheras a tank or MA would have a capacity of 2 or even 3!! This, I feel, would elminate the problem you identified of disconnected RR contributing to empire wide Rolling stock, as it is calculated on a tile by tile basis. The only real problem I see is, as you said, will the AI know how to use it??