Originally posted by Thrawn05
I find armies dumb since firaxis alowed stack movement.
I find armies dumb since firaxis alowed stack movement.
Think of the following: a regular MI fortified in a metropolis, built on a hill which you want to kill. You have 4 veteran MAs to do the job. If you just use them one by one, there is a big chance you will lose the first two MAs. Further, it is a fact that once a unit is attacked twice in the same turn, it will at least get one promotion. That MI is at least veteran by now. You hit it again with an MA. Again, there is a big chance it will survive, and surely it will be elite when it does (probably with only a few HP remaining though). Again you attack, and the outcome is still not sure, still there is a chance that that elite MI survives. But so far you lost 4 MAs! (In general, you'd lose at least 2 units, but losing 4 is not far fetched)
OTOH, if you had a army of 4 veteran MAs, there was only a very slight chance it wouldn't kill the regular MI... basically you get the kill, and keep all your units.
The downside is that when you were very lucky, and the first MA would have killed it anyhow, there was no need to spend an army on it. But armies can blitz, meaning that they can attack again in the same turn if you have enough movement points left... if you risk it, of course.
No, in certain situations, there is nothing that beats an army. If you use them in the wrong situations, you just toss away your advantage, nothing else is lost. Armies may be too powerful for MP...