Re: Whaaaat?!?!
Uhh! Are all conservatives this bone-headed?
It's called hyperbole, maybe you remember it from high school english. I realize that about a third to half of Americans actually like Reagan. I am making the point that citizens of a nation can be offended (imagine that! paople get offended) when certain people are used to represent a nation. Germans tend not to like Hitler, Russians (at least the ones in my neighborhood, the East Village in Manhattan) aren't too nostalgic for Stalin, and most Americans I know around here (again, the east villiage) would be offended if foriegn tourists called this "the land of Reagan.
I in no way wish to draw an equivalence between an evil dictator and a moron.
Hitler = kill 6M Jews for being Jews = Big Time Evil
Reagan = Catsup is a vegetable = moron
or course Reagan did apoint Scalia to the Supreme Court:
Scalia = "actual innocence is no bar to upholding a jury conviction" = evil.
Now, all conservatives please remember hyperbole = exaggeration for dramatic effect. Like when Bush II says Saddam is a serious threat to the US, or calls the Saudis are allies. All sheer hyperbole. Not every statement is to be taken literally.
But, my original point that some leader choices would be offensive stands. Nonetheless, a Reagan leaderhead for a cold war scenario would be cool (to blow up).
Originally posted by MaxisDugan85
While Hitler would be fun to play against, I suppose Hitler IS, after all, as offensive to Germans as Reagan is to Americans. Then again, a WWII scenario featuring Hitler and a cold war scenario featuring Reagan would both be fun.
How can anyone compare Reagan to Hitler in any shape form or stretch of the imagination? Please , disagree with Ronnie's politics if you must but he wasn't an insane dictator with dreams of genocide and world domination.
While Hitler would be fun to play against, I suppose Hitler IS, after all, as offensive to Germans as Reagan is to Americans. Then again, a WWII scenario featuring Hitler and a cold war scenario featuring Reagan would both be fun.
How can anyone compare Reagan to Hitler in any shape form or stretch of the imagination? Please , disagree with Ronnie's politics if you must but he wasn't an insane dictator with dreams of genocide and world domination.

It's called hyperbole, maybe you remember it from high school english. I realize that about a third to half of Americans actually like Reagan. I am making the point that citizens of a nation can be offended (imagine that! paople get offended) when certain people are used to represent a nation. Germans tend not to like Hitler, Russians (at least the ones in my neighborhood, the East Village in Manhattan) aren't too nostalgic for Stalin, and most Americans I know around here (again, the east villiage) would be offended if foriegn tourists called this "the land of Reagan.
I in no way wish to draw an equivalence between an evil dictator and a moron.
Hitler = kill 6M Jews for being Jews = Big Time Evil
Reagan = Catsup is a vegetable = moron
or course Reagan did apoint Scalia to the Supreme Court:
Scalia = "actual innocence is no bar to upholding a jury conviction" = evil.
Now, all conservatives please remember hyperbole = exaggeration for dramatic effect. Like when Bush II says Saddam is a serious threat to the US, or calls the Saudis are allies. All sheer hyperbole. Not every statement is to be taken literally.
But, my original point that some leader choices would be offensive stands. Nonetheless, a Reagan leaderhead for a cold war scenario would be cool (to blow up).