I got inspired after seeing the IMAX film last night- what about the ISS for Civ3?
For those who do not follow current space travel, the International Space Station is a joint project. Although many nations help to pick up the cost, individual components are built in specific countries. For instance, the first part of the station launched was built by Russia, the next by America, and the US space shuttle and Russian rockets serve as a supply ships. Italy, Canada, and other countries are either building components themselves or are financing construction in other countries.
This is a pretty massive undertaking, by any standard.
If you can get the nuclear powers of NATO and Russia to cooperate on such a massive project, why can't the puny civs (that send their own space ships to the nearest star, mind) do the same job?
Small wonder?
Joint victory?
This thing needs to be in the game. Where?
For those who do not follow current space travel, the International Space Station is a joint project. Although many nations help to pick up the cost, individual components are built in specific countries. For instance, the first part of the station launched was built by Russia, the next by America, and the US space shuttle and Russian rockets serve as a supply ships. Italy, Canada, and other countries are either building components themselves or are financing construction in other countries.
This is a pretty massive undertaking, by any standard.
If you can get the nuclear powers of NATO and Russia to cooperate on such a massive project, why can't the puny civs (that send their own space ships to the nearest star, mind) do the same job?
Small wonder?
Joint victory?
This thing needs to be in the game. Where?