In game often occurs the situatin: Longbowman destroys tank. But in the real life it's phisically imposible. I saw a lot of solutions and have my own variants:
1. Industrious unit always destroy ancient taking no damage and modern destroys midaged units.
2. Each unit have attack type and armor type. Examples:
Warrior- Melee attck, skin armor
Longbowman- Arrow attack, skin armor
Tank - Steel armor, heavy autogun attack
etc. So melee and arrow attack can-not destroy steel armor, autogun attack always destroys melee units.
1. Industrious unit always destroy ancient taking no damage and modern destroys midaged units.
2. Each unit have attack type and armor type. Examples:
Warrior- Melee attck, skin armor
Longbowman- Arrow attack, skin armor
Tank - Steel armor, heavy autogun attack
etc. So melee and arrow attack can-not destroy steel armor, autogun attack always destroys melee units.
