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Air Combat

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  • #17
    Originally posted by Verto
    Yes, mobile SAM, with ZOC
    Same thing with the SAM sites you can build in cities. At the very least, it should be able to shoot at planes that bomb squares that are being farmed by the city. So if it tries to shoot your irrigated railroad square, it engages. Because I build SAM in all of my city, and when I do, enemy just bombs improvements. I never once have seen my SAM site fire.
    They don't call me Springfield Fats because I'm morbidly obese!


    • #18
      Artillery and SAMs should both have ZOC.


      • #19
        I am not familiar with this ZOC term. Please excuse my ignorance, especially if it is something of military purpose, which i assume it is, because I usually know about that stuff.

        "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
        - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
        Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


        • #20
          ZOC is zone of control. I believe modern armor has ZOC? Correct me if I'm wrong...

          What it is, is if a unit has a ZOC of 2 squares, then that unit has a chance to attack any enemy unit that passes within those squares.

          Someone else can perhaps explain it better, or add on to what I've said


          • #21
            ZOC just means that if an enemy is next to you, and tries to move to anouther square next to the same unit, you have a chance to attack it. In previous civ games, ZOC prevented movement at all, in this one, you can move, you just might get attacked in the process.
            They don't call me Springfield Fats because I'm morbidly obese!


            • #22
              I'm assuming we have another Zahn fan? Eh Palleon?


              • #23
                Yeah. I prefer my spelling better though, been using it for a good 6-7 years now, it looks much prettier. And easier for people to remember.
                They don't call me Springfield Fats because I'm morbidly obese!


                • #24
                  I'm gonna have to stick with Pellaeon. This is bringing back memories...maybe I'll reread the trilogy...


                  • #25
                    The point about Stealth Fighters is that they are way cheaper than stealth bombers. 240 Shields for a Stealth Bomber versus 120 Shields for a Stealth Fighter. Makes you roll out twice the number of stealth fighters in short time. Of course with Bombard Strength of 4 for the fighter you can forget about attacking units with them.


                    • #26
                      Thats why I eddited all my air units. I think they are wayto weak if you play with them as they come. Even bombers, I think should be devestating, at least as much as artillery, so I increased all bombard strengths (for bombarding ground units too) and definately enabled lethal land and sea bombardments for air units.

                      "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
                      - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
                      Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


                      • #27

                        first post on the second page! I am the MAN!"

                        "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
                        - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
                        Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum

