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  • #16
    Originally posted by Pythagoras
    ... Germany was in wartime mobilization a few years before WW2 IMO. ...
    Strangely enough, Germany didn't go into wartime mobilization of its economy until (gasp!) 1943!


    • #17
      Strangely enough, Germany didn't go into wartime mobilization of its economy until (gasp!) 1943!
      Yeah, but that was a complete different situation:

      - Adolph Hitler was a general in WW1. So he knew how to make a war. And he planned the war a long time before. (but russia didn't surrender, even after 15 Million deaths and lots of destruction)

      - In the hitler youth the german boys learned how to handle a gun.

      - The war in Spain was a good practice too.

      I guess war mobilization was'nt necessary for Germany till 1943.

      But how could this be possible:

      Russia lost 20 million people in the WW2,
      Poland 5.8 million,
      Joguslavia 1.8 million,
      France 0.6 million,
      England 0.4 million,
      USA 0.3 million,

      And Germany only 4.8 million!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


      • #18
        Hitler was a corporal, not a general. LMAO.


        • #19
          But he was gay, thats for sure!


          • #20
            Germany did not have the industrial capacity to mobilize and mass produce the arms of war. This is a fact often glossed over by history.

            In typical mass production factories are set up to produce one thing, or just a few. Hilter did not have enough factories to do this so he took another approach.

            When a particular armanent was needed, German factories would quickly retool to produce it. Then they would switch to another. It was a marvel of industrial prowess, a great feat.

            The manner of waging war was blitzkreig. Hitler never wanted to get into the kind of war of attrition that WWI was. He knew that in the end Germany could only lose that. So he designed an approach that essentially created an Army in which all units were as elite as we in America would like to think our Rangers or the Delta Force are.

            When Russia survived the first winter it was all over. Germany was forced into the kind of war it could only lose.

            Insofar as your casualty figures, look, none has ever created a more efficient war machine than Hitler did, at least in modern times.


            • #21
              Originally posted by jimmytrick
              Hitler was a corporal, not a general. LMAO.
              "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)


              • #22
                How do you know all that?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Silvern Tiger
                  How do you know all that?
                  The world's knowledge is at your fingertips (on the web).

                  In 1913 Hitler moved to Munich. Screened for Austrian military service in February 1914, he was classified as unfit because of inadequate physical vigour; but when World War I broke out he immediately volunteered for the German army and joined the 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment. He served throughout the war, was wounded in October 1916, and was gassed two years later. He was hospitalized when the conflict ended. During the war, he was continuously in the front line as a headquarters runner; his bravery in action was rewarded with the Iron Cross, Second Class, in December 1914, and the Iron Cross, First Class (a rare decoration for a corporal), in August 1918. He greeted the war with enthusiasm, as a great relief from the frustration and aimlessness of civilian life. He found discipline and comradeship satisfying and was confirmed in his belief in the heroic virtues of war.


                  • #24
                    Do you also know when Bavaria became a german state?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Silvern Tiger
                      Do you also know when Bavaria became a german state?
                      Which time?

                      1871 German Empire
                      1919 Weimar Republic
                      1948 Federal Republic


                      • #26
                        lol 3 answers, are you a teacher?


                        • #27
                          uuh, I maybe be totally off topic ( by now) but could it be that demobilisation is semi-automatic?? Im nowhere near a copy of civ3 so I cant test it, but could it be that signing a peace treaty with a nation, while remaining at war with another keeps you mobilized for war, but when signing a treaty with your last ( or only ) enemy you are automaticly demobilised?
                          Ive only mobilised for war during huge world wars when everybody was at war with everybody else (or mostly me).


                          • #28
                            As luck has I was playing teh game last night and I was mobilizing and drafting the heck out of my people in order to drive back the forces of evil Japan, who declared war on me while we were on "Polite" terms. After decimating his attacking forces (with my Artillery, which is moded to attack lethally) I counterattacked, razed a couple cities and took a couple of his cities forcing him to the negotiating table where I asked for his unconditional surrender. Well, there was no fanfare, no pop-up menu, nothing that indicated that my State dropped back from the exhausting war mobilization to Normalcy! It was the first time I ever mobilized and I actually expected one of those no good advisors (with the exception of the science advisor of course ) to tell me something. I guess I will have to rearrange my cabinet !
                            Excellence can be attained if you Care more than other think is wise, Risk more than others think is safe, Dream more than others think is practical and Expect more than others think is possible.
                            Ask a Question and you're a fool for 3 minutes; don't ask a question and you're a fool for the rest of your life! Chinese Proverb
                            Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. Warren Buffet

