re #2 Obsolete techs. Confirmed when Magellan is obtained, extra ship movement of Great Lighthouse goes away. I usually find it hard to get both. It depends on the world which is more important, early building of cities on other land masses, or extra ship movement for modern ships. I prefer Magellan over GLib as it never expires and modern ships can't outrun me.
re #1-- trading. It took me a long time to figure out trades. The trade screen is extremely sensitive to mouse actions. Too many times I meant to single click and double clicked by mistake and accepted a bad deal. Never, never accept a deal as offered. When a deal is offered, note the offer, and clear the table. Then pick and choose what you want. Only about 10% of the time you can't improve the deal. I never trade territory map but often do my world map for their world and territory map, so I know how their civ is laid out. Remember 1) you don't have to make a trade, and 2) almost always you can get some gold from the trading civ. The more gold you take the less they have for hurrying production.
re #1-- trading. It took me a long time to figure out trades. The trade screen is extremely sensitive to mouse actions. Too many times I meant to single click and double clicked by mistake and accepted a bad deal. Never, never accept a deal as offered. When a deal is offered, note the offer, and clear the table. Then pick and choose what you want. Only about 10% of the time you can't improve the deal. I never trade territory map but often do my world map for their world and territory map, so I know how their civ is laid out. Remember 1) you don't have to make a trade, and 2) almost always you can get some gold from the trading civ. The more gold you take the less they have for hurrying production.