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Can't find answers, Do you Know?

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  • Can't find answers, Do you Know?

    hello I am somewhat new to the game of civ3
    i have a few questions that were never answered in all the websites and strat guides.

    1. every one is talking about selling their techs to other civs before they get them. well i was play greek in my last game quite ahead on techs in monarch no ever will take a deal no other civ wants the techs not even for one gold per turn and these were good techs too.
    i offer them up and nothing. this has happened in several games they never bite why. (is it my patch or lack there of the latest?) what?

    2. if a wonder becomes obsolete like the Oracle does the temple stop working if i get a cathedral can i sell it off? do any city improvments become obsolete?

    please help thanx

  • #2
    Re: Can't find answers, Do you Know?

    Originally posted by IRON_BRIGADE
    hello I am somewhat new to the game of civ3
    i have a few questions that were never answered in all the websites and strat guides.

    1. every one is talking about selling their techs to other civs before they get them. well i was play greek in my last game quite ahead on techs in monarch no ever will take a deal no other civ wants the techs not even for one gold per turn and these were good techs too.
    i offer them up and nothing. this has happened in several games they never bite why. (is it my patch or lack there of the latest?) what?
    Maybe they didn't have 1 gold per turn to give. Try going to the richest civ. I've gotten some pretty good deals. Once I was able to sell computers for every non-required tech, 30 GPT, and 200 lump sum.

    2. if a wonder becomes obsolete like the Oracle does the temple stop working if i get a cathedral can i sell it off? do any city improvments become obsolete?

    please help thanx
    No. If the Oracle becomes obsolete, your improvements will still work. They always continue to work.

    Correct me if i'm wrong, of course.
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    Long live teh paranoia smiley!


    • #3
      Re: Can't find answers, Do you Know?

      Originally posted by IRON_BRIGADE
      2. if a wonder becomes obsolete like the Oracle does the temple stop working if i get a cathedral can i sell it off? do any city improvments become obsolete?

      please help thanx
      I just looked at my current game in which I have built the Oracle. I'm in the modern era so it is obsolete and my temples all produce one content face instead of the two they produced before the Oracle went obsolete.


      • #4
        ok #2 answered thanks

        but #1 no they have plenty of gold you can see it right there when your triing to cut a deal. every strat guide you all have written says that this is as easy as pie but
        no they wont budge in fact they even demanded more from me even though i was culturaly superior????


        • #5
          City improvements NEVER become obsolete.

          The EXTRA effects from some early Wonders do.

          The temple will continue to make 1 person happier, even after the Oracle's effects have worn off.
          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


          • #6
            As far as tech trading goes, on the higher difficulty levels they AI have a higher tech trading rate, which means they make better deals with other AI nations than they will with you.
            Up the Irons!
            Rogue CivIII FAQ!
            Odysseus and the March of Time
            I think holding hands can be more erotic than 'slamming it in the ass' - Pekka, thinking that he's messed up


            • #7
              Re: Can't find answers, Do you Know?

              Originally posted by IRON_BRIGADE

              1. every one is talking about selling their techs to other civs before they get them. well i was play greek in my last game quite ahead on techs in monarch no ever will take a deal no other civ wants the techs not even for one gold per turn and these were good techs too.
              i offer them up and nothing. this has happened in several games they never bite why. (is it my patch or lack there of the latest?) what?
              There's a lot of variables when it comes to trading with the AI.

              First, some are just down right difficult to deal with. They've all been programmed with a personality when it comes to dealing with the human, and some just don't like to trade with you.

              Also, have you been at war with them in the past? They will remember that, and take it into account at the trading table. Especially if you've been razing their cities, and using their Workers as slave labour.

              Have you broken treaties with another civ in the game? If they can't trust you, they're less likely to cut you some slack during a deal.

              And has been mentioned, the higher the level, the tougher they are to deal with. I'm sure there's a few other variables as well, that I haven't thought of. If you want to trade with anyone, it helps to suck up from time to time. Give them a small "token" of appreciation out of the blue. That will help to get them thinking favourably of you. Sometimes you have to spend money in order to make money.


              • #8
                Are you being trade embargoed?

                Have you tried lumps sums?

                Have you tried asking what they would give for the tech?

                Do any of them have resources that you want? Aks what they would take for the resource.

                Late game trade is very touchy, especially if it's been an aggressive game.
                The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                • #9
                  usually if they don't pay up, they don't have the gold to do so; I tend to monopolize all the techs, I like to also go and build cities near most of the resources so the AI has nothing to sell or make money off of
                  To us, it is the BEAST.


                  • #10
                    I think the simple answer is that the AI has nothing to trade to you. You're way ahead on techs and are likely the lead nation so aside from them not wanting to trade with you what will they give you in return for the tech ?
                    We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
                    If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
                    Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.


                    • #11
                      re #2, obsolete wonders. Mainly changes new culture build by wonder. In F5 screen culture produced by obsolete wonder is now red instead of black. It doesn't continue growing. Most benefits continue but some have been superceeded. For example, when Great Lighthouse expires, you need to get Magellan to continue the 1+ ship movement. {This is theory; I have not tested in game play. It seems like if someone else has Lighthouse and I get Magellan, now I get the 1+ ship movement. Not positive, just missed Lighthouse in present game. I know if I get Magellan I get the 1+ movement. I will try to verify other civ with current 1+ ship movement loses it. First I need to get Magellan}


                      • #12
                        I think i'll have it's reason in an Embargo... If you ask em Would you offer something in exchange for ... they'd almost always offer something... Even if they'r low on Trade goods they tend to offer a World Map or some crappy lump sum.
                        If you make up an Embargo against another Civ the Civ you made it up with will not chancel it if it sees no reason so you must chancel it yourself by klicking on "Active" in the Trade Table and then Doubleklicking on the Embargo Deal...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Theseus
                          Are you being trade embargoed?

                          Have you tried lumps sums?

                          Have you tried asking what they would give for the tech?

                          Do any of them have resources that you want? Aks what they would take for the resource.

                          Late game trade is very touchy, especially if it's been an aggressive game.
                          trade embargo where would that come from I havent even started a war.

                          next question is interesting. No i have not asked what they would give am i missing that option were is that found?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by IRON_BRIGADE

                            next question is interesting. No i have not asked what they would give am i missing that option were is that found?
                            Remove all the items he has on the table. At the bottom the text will change to ask what he/she will offer for what you're putting up. That's why you've been getting such crappy deals, you have to haggle. They're going to try and get the lowest price they can, so have you work out some halfway point with them. Your advisor will let you know whether the deal is unacceptable or not, or whether you're getting close.

                            One tip, if they come to you asking for something, don't just accept their offer, make a deal. If they're approaching you, it means that they want something from you badly and might give you a lot for it. I once had the French offer a swap of World Maps, but I decided to see what would happen if I treid to negotiate. Not only did we do the map swap, but I also got Navigation and over 300 gold.


                            • #15
                              Right, ALWAYS negotiate / haggle.

                              IB, Trade Embargoes can start without any wars. I do it to AI civs quite often, especially prior to an upcoming war.
                              The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                              Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.

