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What's good about Civ3 then?

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  • #46
    Thanks for the replies everyone . I went out this morning a bought Civ3 so far I've only played it for a couple of hours so I'm not really in a position to comment on it too much yet, though so far it does look good.

    The resources and culture parts look really good and diplomacy looks excellent. I don't like the fact you can't stack units or there not being any public works (I haven't made up my mind about these workers yet).

    I didn't do too well in my first game. I made 3 cities and tryed out a few things but 3 AI civs decided they'd all form an alliance against me (damn Germans ) which was cool but painful. I managed to get one American city but war seems a case of trading of units with each other without any real concluesion. Unlike CTP2 where you would either secure your border for a while by destroying a couple of your enemies 12 stacks or loose a couple of cities.

    Anyway I'll play it some more before I judge it properly.
    Shores Of - The Premier Tolkien Community -


    • #47
      BTW what patches should I download?
      Shores Of - The Premier Tolkien Community -


      • #48
        The 1.21 patch is all you need.

        There is a stack movement command now ("j").

        Beware the mean, nasty, demanding Bismarck man! Are you playing as England? If so... well, be aware that their traits and unique unit suck, and unless you turn the "culturally linked starting locations" off, you will just about always pop up next to the Germans.

        grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

        The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


        • #49
          Originally posted by jimmytrick
          Greed. Well, that will limit their market somewhat. And you can be sure they will put out a bundle at some point where you can get both for less than the price of either. I hope everyone waits till then to buy and sends a message that the community is tired of beta products.

          There isn't enough in PTW that shouldn't have been in the original Civ3 to justify an expansion, you see, they are still behind the development curve.
          The average PC gamer buys about 3-4 games/year. The average console gamer will buy 8-12. You should have few qualms about paying for an expansion pack. Im suprised PC game developers dont charge a subscription fee, seeing as how small the market is.
          "What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive?" Irv Kupcinet

          "It's easy to stop making mistakes. Just stop having ideas." Unknown


          • #50
            The game overall is worth buying. Yah, there are some things about the game which I don't care for to much but overall you can adjust these issues yourself. There's alot of talk about Settler diareah, but that is just trolling, You can build as many settlers and as fast as th AI if you focus on expansion and not on improving your cities like the AI. I sat down and looked at all the units included and tried to give them all a little nitch of there own, IE, I spead up destroyers, gave them the ability to see subs, gave the Nuc. Sub the ability to bombard, which makes them a very difficult unit to counter act since you can't see them. Added the ability to see subs to stealth Fighters since I really had no use for them as bombers which is all they were. Plus added the Fatal Bombardment to several units so as to make naval vessals vulnerable to air strikes. All this makes the naval battles more realistic and hard. Except for the Stealth fighter's added trait every thing I added is actually realistic.
            With all the talk about having to buy the add on reminds me of CIV 2. When it came out with the Multiplayer function I had to repurchase the entire game. Which really sucked.
            This game has alot of potential and isn't such a waste of money as "Coracle" would leave you to believe. By the way why did you waste the extra 10 bucks on the limited edition version anyway. I only payed forty the day it was released.


            • #51
              Damb vondrack, when are going to publish that book


              • #52
                Originally posted by Arrian
                Beware the mean, nasty, demanding Bismarck man! Are you playing as England? If so... well, be aware that their traits and unique unit suck, and unless you turn the "culturally linked starting locations" off, you will just about always pop up next to the Germans.
                Yea, but he almost for sure also will have France as neighbor, which, I bet, is fun for him.

                Btw, I have Mister B. as neighbor in an Egyptian game now. He's my best friend so far. Caesar and Alex are annoyed, but B loves the horses and gems I sell him for tech. I hope this friendship holds, well, at least until I finished my beeline for Military Tradition.

