Originally posted by Theseus
Then, get creative... think like you are Machiavelli: metagame, geopolitics, massive invasions, economic ruin, leader assassinations (OK, can't do that), you get my meaning. I swear, I sit in business meetings and when people piss me off, I think of them as Bismarck, and craft devious strategies for their ruin. That's fun.
Then, get creative... think like you are Machiavelli: metagame, geopolitics, massive invasions, economic ruin, leader assassinations (OK, can't do that), you get my meaning. I swear, I sit in business meetings and when people piss me off, I think of them as Bismarck, and craft devious strategies for their ruin. That's fun.
- the Iroquois were my direct neighbors and had cities within my empire (unable to get them through culture flip ),
- Persians were close to me, separated from my empire by about two Iroquois' cities,
- Persians had ROP and MPP with Iroquois and were furious toward me (why? absolutely no idea...).
Then, Babs persuaded Persians to join them in a war against me. . If I just had once counterattacked the Persians to defend myself, I would have been quite surely destroyed by Iroquois. I so tried to:
- involve Aztecs, Persians' neighbours on the other side, in the war against the Persians,
- conclude a MPP with the Iroquois (the idea was to wait Persia attack me, which should probably trigger my MPP with Iroquois and protect me).
and I succeeded!
At the end I was saved, had built a new city where Iroquois destroyed a Persian one, got an old Iroquois city just conquered by the Babs (and then took by me without effort ).