I think the AI is 'aware' of hidden resources in its known (explored) area. This has been proven by Aeson (withOUT the 'multi' cheat). I have no problem with it. I 'rush' to settle Mountains and Desert myself because I 'know' what will be there later.
I think it is equally obvious that the AI has to explore the map, just like you do. Evidence of this is the explorers it sends around in the early game and the fact that it will pay massive amounts for your map if you are lucky or skillful enough to get Sea-faring Galleys from the Lighthouse.
As for other cheats, yes it is aware of the relative strength of your city garrisons. I think we can accept that as a given. Although if someone wants to debate it we could commence the posting of saves showing AI stacks swaning around the map as one city then another is given a zero garrison.
As for other AI 'cheats' beyond the handicaps at higher levels, some people are talking out of there hats. I have yet to see certain people ever post proof for their repetitive and ill formed complaints. Some things (like the honest politician) simply need to be patiently awaited.
I think it is equally obvious that the AI has to explore the map, just like you do. Evidence of this is the explorers it sends around in the early game and the fact that it will pay massive amounts for your map if you are lucky or skillful enough to get Sea-faring Galleys from the Lighthouse.
As for other cheats, yes it is aware of the relative strength of your city garrisons. I think we can accept that as a given. Although if someone wants to debate it we could commence the posting of saves showing AI stacks swaning around the map as one city then another is given a zero garrison.
As for other AI 'cheats' beyond the handicaps at higher levels, some people are talking out of there hats. I have yet to see certain people ever post proof for their repetitive and ill formed complaints. Some things (like the honest politician) simply need to be patiently awaited.