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Missing Links

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  • Missing Links

    I see several missing links in civ III, in terms of units. The early game is entirely devoid of offensive naval units, which I easily fixed on my mod.

    Other areas missing
    1. Something in between muskateer & riflemen, like, maybe, grenadier, more offensive, you know.
    2. Pre-dreadnought, btw ironclad & destroyer. Faster than Ironclad, slower than battleship, decent off/def/bombard
    3. Commerce raider - improved privateer
    4. Early tank. 12-6-2
    5. Biplane Puny everything, attk/def/move/bombard, but something
    6. dirigible. Blows up real good, but good range.
    7. Attack helicopter.
    8. SP artillery - same tech as tank, oil dependent
    9. commandos - get road move bonus.
    10. Fleets - naval armies why not

    well, got to go, probably think of more later
    "Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you." No they don't! They're just nerve stapled.

    i like ibble blibble

  • #2
    For me the number and type of units is quite OK, but I found the fleet idea very good.
    "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)


    • #3
      Given the leader doesn't drown while he swims round the globe to your nearest coastal city. Good idea though.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sir Ralph
        Given the leader doesn't drown while he swims round the globe to your nearest coastal city. Good idea though.
        Of course!!
        "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)


        • #5
          I am not so worried about missing links, but your ideas would add more debth to the game, and I am all for that!
          "Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
          --P.J. O'Rourke


          • #6
            Re: Missing Links

            Originally posted by bigvic
            I see several missing links in civ III, in terms of units. The early game is entirely devoid of offensive naval units, which I easily fixed on my mod.

            Other areas missing
            1. Something in between muskateer & riflemen, like, maybe, grenadier, more offensive, you know.
            2. Pre-dreadnought, btw ironclad & destroyer. Faster than Ironclad, slower than battleship, decent off/def/bombard
            3. Commerce raider - improved privateer
            4. Early tank. 12-6-2
            5. Biplane Puny everything, attk/def/move/bombard, but something
            6. dirigible. Blows up real good, but good range.
            7. Attack helicopter.
            8. SP artillery - same tech as tank, oil dependent
            9. commandos - get road move bonus.
            10. Fleets - naval armies why not

            well, got to go, probably think of more later
            Musket Infantry would come after musketmen: now armed with bayonets and faster-firing muskets.

            Shock Troops: before tanks. Offensive infantry that the Germans first used in 1917.

            Crossbowmen: all archers upgrade to that; longbowmen are English UU's.

            Lots of other stuff. Go check the attached mod. Or check the LWC mod posted on this and other forums.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              will do. You using that gramphos copy tool? I was gonna do it, but 1.21 came out and i got scared. whats the status on it w/ 1.21? yeah i know, go check it out
              "Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you." No they don't! They're just nerve stapled.

              i like ibble blibble


              • #8
                It works. The copy tool that is. Back up everything first though.
                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

