I haven’t yet seen a thread on the intricacies of war weariness (“WW”). WW just seems to get mentioned in passing in posts under other topics. Has anyone developed any exceptional knowledge regarding WW, its causes, effects, counter-tactics etc.? (by exceptional, I mean beyond the basics
) Has anyone undertaken any studies to try and “break the code” of how war weariness works (as etj4Eagle did with his wonderful "only one great leader per elite" research posted on CivFanatics?) I for one would very much like to have a better understanding of the intricacies of WW. Any help appreciated.
To start it off, I’ll list some of the basics, as well as some of the questions I’ve got. My quick and dirty list of the basics:
* WW is caused by being at war!
* WW affects only representative governments (democracy & republic)
* WW accumlates over time, causing incremental unhappiness and, if unchecked, a revolution by your people
* WW accumulates more quickly if:
- You have troops within enemy territory
- Your enemy has troops in your territory
- You declared war
- You are engaging in lots of combat
* WW does not go away upon peace; it decreases over time following peace – so a new war shortly after a brief interlude of peace does not give you the benefit of starting with your WW ‘bank’ at 0
* WW bank can “go negative” (war thirstiness?
) when war is declared by AI, creating a short-term happiness boost
* WW manifests itself as unhappiness, so all the general tactics to combat unhappiness are applicable to combatting WW (luxury acquisition, marketplaces, happiness producing improvements wonders, luxury spending on the tax slider, creating entertainers, etc.)
* The Universal Suffrage wonder slows the accumulation of WW
Some of the questions I have, but to which I haven’t seen answers:
* Does the destruction of your units / cities / improvements increase the accumulation of WW, or is the anecdotal evidence of greater WW upon these events a result of the “engaging in combat” and “troops in territory” factors?
* Does military success on your part slow the accumulation of WW, or is the anecdotal evidence of lesser WW in such situations a result of the “troops in territory” factor (i.e., you’re in enemy territory for short periods – it soon becomes yours!
* Does the number of civs with whom you are at war affect the amount of WW accumulating?
* Is the "declare war" factor clean and simple, or more nuanced, affected by the following factors:
- Whether or not you are forced to declare war through the operation of an MPP after an ally is attacked
- Whether or not you are "forced" to declare war by an AI repeatedly breaking treaties (i.e., crossing your territory, which the manual indicates can be viewed as a treaty breach)
- Whether or not you "force" a declaration of war by repeatedly engaging in espionage / territory breaches / tribute demands in an effort to goad the AI into war.
* Does WW accumulate more quickly if you sneak attack, abuse a RoP, attack an ally or generally do any number of other things deemed harmful to your reputation with other AI?

To start it off, I’ll list some of the basics, as well as some of the questions I’ve got. My quick and dirty list of the basics:
* WW is caused by being at war!

* WW affects only representative governments (democracy & republic)
* WW accumlates over time, causing incremental unhappiness and, if unchecked, a revolution by your people
* WW accumulates more quickly if:
- You have troops within enemy territory
- Your enemy has troops in your territory
- You declared war
- You are engaging in lots of combat
* WW does not go away upon peace; it decreases over time following peace – so a new war shortly after a brief interlude of peace does not give you the benefit of starting with your WW ‘bank’ at 0
* WW bank can “go negative” (war thirstiness?

* WW manifests itself as unhappiness, so all the general tactics to combat unhappiness are applicable to combatting WW (luxury acquisition, marketplaces, happiness producing improvements wonders, luxury spending on the tax slider, creating entertainers, etc.)
* The Universal Suffrage wonder slows the accumulation of WW
Some of the questions I have, but to which I haven’t seen answers:
* Does the destruction of your units / cities / improvements increase the accumulation of WW, or is the anecdotal evidence of greater WW upon these events a result of the “engaging in combat” and “troops in territory” factors?
* Does military success on your part slow the accumulation of WW, or is the anecdotal evidence of lesser WW in such situations a result of the “troops in territory” factor (i.e., you’re in enemy territory for short periods – it soon becomes yours!

* Does the number of civs with whom you are at war affect the amount of WW accumulating?
* Is the "declare war" factor clean and simple, or more nuanced, affected by the following factors:
- Whether or not you are forced to declare war through the operation of an MPP after an ally is attacked
- Whether or not you are "forced" to declare war by an AI repeatedly breaking treaties (i.e., crossing your territory, which the manual indicates can be viewed as a treaty breach)
- Whether or not you "force" a declaration of war by repeatedly engaging in espionage / territory breaches / tribute demands in an effort to goad the AI into war.
* Does WW accumulate more quickly if you sneak attack, abuse a RoP, attack an ally or generally do any number of other things deemed harmful to your reputation with other AI?
