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  • #16
    Re: Don't know if these help with your game, but...

    Being that I started the thread, I suppose I ought to try and respond to each suggestion as well. Okay, here goes.

    Originally posted by Brizey
    Basic Machines (other than wheel: lever, wedge, etc. A precursor to masonry and construction)
    Good one.

    Mass Electrification

    This could probably be better lumped into something else. Industrialization, perhaps.

    Calculus/Applied Mathematics
    Numerical Analysis

    What might you suggest the benefits of these be?

    Plastics (Synthetic comes too late in Civ3)

    Workable as a requirement for some modern things.


    When would you consider "surgery" to have been implimented? It is known that even as far back as the Egyptians, brain surgery was actually carried out.


    Good. A way to increase health and prevent disease (very important for armies... in many cases, 3/4 of casualties suffered were due to sickness and disease, not battle wounds).

    Digital Control


    Germ Theory

    Or maybe the discovery of the microscope.


    Good one. Got it on my list already.


    Benefits? (I don't know how beneficial you could consider nutrition to people's lives... even now most people don't really care all that much )


    Wasn't that included? Oh wait, I think I'm thinking of Civ II.

    Fossil Fuels

    Hmmm, maybe not "fossil fuels" specifically, but some other technology to impliment them for industrialization.



    Mechanized Agriculture

    I have "Massed Production Farming" already, which should cover this area.

    Student Loans/GI Bill



    I defineatly think some sort of "mass media" tech should be included.

    Some of these obviously overlap each other and the existing advances, but if you want a big pool to pick from...

    Thanks for helping.
    Any input is very helpful, since I'm really not so great in thinking up techs for whatever reason. I've used quite a few of these.
    Last edited by Jon Shafer; May 8, 2002, 20:14.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Primus40
      Wow, catch a few hours sleep (what's that?) and things develop. Trip/Ribannah ~ just for the record; wasn't trying to imply that alchemey wasn't a valid idea. In fact I really did think it was interesting, but it was late (early?) and the King Midas thing is what popped into my head without much thought. Your concepts of it's use were enlightening, thanks. My secind intention was to see if maybe we could get this thread alive and kicking since it had seemed to be laying there with no response. Glad to say it worked.

      I figured there ought to be at least a few people with some ideas to help me out. I knew you weren't attacking alchemy, I suppose I didn't clarify the actual benefits of it. Mainly, all it did was help lead to modern chemistry.

      Machining - from a military perspective, truer gun barrels with longer range allow riflemen/infantry to be more effective (more attack). Or, could be fit into the Industrialization/Replaceable Parts idea.

      I've lumped all that stuff into a category called "Mechanization." That should cover plenty, while also providing many benefits of the era.

      Marksmenship - possibly allowing a sniper type unit. One that can strike with deadly accuracy from one or two squares away. Maybe the Leathal Bombard ability could allow this to occur with a ground unit. But with a rifle crack sound FX.

      Well, in the game I don't have individual units (too tedious to employ), mainly due to the fact that it's not very realistic. I put soldiers into army units, where they can fight together, etc. Soooo I'm not sure how this could be implimented effectively, maybe you'll have some ideas.

      Special Operations - maybe allowing an army like "unit" that has both Hidden Nationality and Stealth.

      Again, I'm mainly concerned with how techs work within my own game, but I suppose this could be implimented to provide for elite units, etc.

      Public Education - a more modern idea to simple education. Sure, higher education has been around for a long time but even now it is somewhat elitist (hopefully not starting an off-topic rash of posts - not the point of this or the thread). I am talking about the simple fact of the general public being able to read and write contributing to increased awareness, mass communication... and greater populace in higher education facilities. Gotta be a research bonus there somewhere.

      Hehe, even I realized this when adding to the list. Great idea, already got it. I entered it in in between the "Organized Labor" and "Sanitation" techs (around late 1800s).

      Microbiology - some of these could just be transitioning techs (like this one). Leading to Cure for Cancer and Longevity. But it could also open the door for militaristic things like...

      Any particular benefits specifically from the tech (besides leading to other techs)? I'm not to fond of great wonders, so they're not in the game.

      Biological Warfare - allowing a Nuke-type device that effects game, population, food sources.

      Got it.

      Distillation - not sure where to take this one but the beer post earlier made it stick in my mind. dunk999 provided some background on the relevance of alcohol to ancient civs. All true, but it was a far different concoction then what we consider to be alcoholic beverage. Distillation gave us the liquors of today. But that process has also been migrated to other areas... haven't thought this one through but am throwing it out anyhow.

      I don't think beer has as much effect on things today as they used to... ale used to be a way to pacify a rowdy crowd, or make people happy, etc. Not exactly the same benefits as today.

      Craftsmanship - another last minute thought. Nice word, any suggestions on practical application?

      This could be developed around the time of Renaissance, which allows... uh... quicker production of buildings, etc. perhaps. Any other ideas?

      Telecommunications was another good one suggested, maybe advanced communications. In real life, advances in communication (from printing press on up) contributed to discovery rates in science and technology... and it is a snowball effect with exponetial returns over time. This could be worked in there somewhere I am sure.

      Included through Mass Media (~1950s).

      I know you mentioned that ancient military tech advances were of interest to you. I used to know quite a bit about that stuff years ago, but I am afraid that different directions in life have relegated that information to the dark recesses of what is left of my mind. C'mon, I know they are a BUNCH of historians out there that could contribute in this area. Give us your thoughts!

      No problem lots of other useful ideas, thanks.


      • #18
        Re: Sources for tech

        Originally posted by Deornwulf
        Check out Imperialism II for a host of great ideas if you want to focus the technologies into a tighter range of developments. Along military lines, every age had its own strategic developments. Stirrups made cavalry possible, others include the Napoleonic square, Trench warfare, Air Tactics, Naval Tactics, and guerilla warfare to just name a few.

        Hehe, already played Imp. I and II. The Napoleonic Era is my newest favorite topic in history, so now I'm pretty well-versed in history from 1800 on, but thanks.

        Some advanced technologies that would be interesting include

        Cold Fusion
        Fiber Optics
        Ion Engines
        Gravimetrics and/or Artificial Gravity

        If you look through the skill lists of your favorite RPG's you could probably find even more ideas. Shadowrun, Star Trek, Star Wars, and Star Frontiers would be good for advanced techs while Rolemaster and Hackmaster would be good for ancient ones.

        Phew, I'm sure I could come up with plenty of things for the future... that'll probably take a lot of thinking to come up with howe everything interacts (at least what's already happened is easy to model ).


        • #19
          Originally posted by notyoueither
          While studying Newton I noted with some mirth that he was particularly interested in Alchemy right about the time he was made governor of the Bank of England. Coincidentally, rapid expansion of the British Empire begins at about the same time.

          Hmmmmm, maybe they'll be a secret "cheat option" once you've discovered alchemy.


          • #20
            Originally posted by nato
            I have one very minor ancient warfare thing.

            Before the stirrup (which was super important, AOE or not) charging cavalry developed a method of letting go of the spear right before impact, so as not to be knocked off the horse. This helped make Alexander's Companion cavalry so tough.

            However, if you're going to lump in stirrup with basic horseback riding, fine distinctions aren't of interest to you. At this level, the current techs are pretty sufficient. The only thing really important that is missing is horse archers.

            Distinctions that fine are a bit beyond the scope of a civ game. Maybe I'm not looking as much for refinement as I am diversification. A lot was excluded from the Civ series, and I'm going to try to improve upon it. And yes, there will be horse-mounted archers too.

            Another interesting topic that could be addressed is what units should have been included but weren't. And no, I'm not talking "4th company of the 6th regiment of the Green Berets", I'm talking things like "Machine Gunners", or, for example "Horse-Mounted Archers". Basically new types that couldn't be easily lumped into another category (like Heavy Weapons Infantry, and Regular Infantry, or Swordsmen and Macemen ).


            • #21
              The rate you're going we'll have a huge tech tree .
              Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
              Waikato University, Hamilton.


              • #22
                Actually, for what I'm using all this for, it's not quite a tree. Of course, some things have to lead into others (for example, you have to discover basic mathematics in order to build the space shuttle, and whatnot), but there are actually different areas of research you can devote spending to (math, chemistry, philosophy, etc.), and once you reach a certain level of mastry in each area, then you get a new technology. For example, when math is at level 28, chemistry at level 35, then you acquire the tech of "Explosive Munitions." Stuff like that.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Trip
                  The things I probably need most are technologies from the ancient era.

                  How ancient?

                  The Needle

                  Or ...

                  Herbal Lore

                  Or ...

                  The Canoe
                  The Oven
                  The Calendar

                  Or ...

                  The Council
                  Canal Building
                  Bridge Building
                  Last edited by Ribannah; May 9, 2002, 11:08.
                  A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
                  Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


                  • #24
                    What I was thinking on some of my suggestions:

                    Student Loans/GI Bill: a sort of post public education thing that creates a large professional class

                    Meteorology: A very important thing for modern regional scope conflict. Could allow better coordination between AF, gound based and naval units. Could also effect farming if you call it Climatology.

                    Digital Control is a sort of post computer or applied computer science thing. It is just as fundamental to stealth fighters as the composite materials.

                    I have always thought that Calculus or Applied Math should replace Physics. I prefer the more applied concepts for game purposes.

                    Fossil Fuels: Coal. Maybe steam power is better. I just threw this one out there.
                    Got my new computer!!!!


                    • #25
                      If you want tech research to be challenging, think about making the player put efforts into lines of research and making the discoveries random based on the amount of research focused on a particular line. Blind research may seem too random to some but it does make for more interesting strategy and gameplay variety.
                      "Our lives are frittered away by detail....simplify, simplify."


                      • #26
                        Applied Sexism (permits a new culture improvement)
                        Objectivism (requires Communism, permits "Atlas Shrugged" wonder)
                        Applied Nationalism (prereq Nationalism)
                        I hate oral!!


                        • #27
                          Mass Media...

                          There are 2 suc techs in Civ III. Printing Press (think newspapers) and Radio. Both are mass media, which means communication directed and delivered to a very large audience. Perhaps television would be a valid additon, perhaps not.


                          • #28
                            I like the Sniper idea . with the following guide lines : 1) lethal at 2 squares. 2)not stackable.only 1 sniper per square. 3) 0 defense

                            also like Bridge Building . this could become available with the Construction Advance . but need special Engineer to build bridges , not a worker . an Engineer cant perform normal worker chores , and would cost twice as much .

                            how about this one................Under Ground Tunneling ! would become available sometime in the Modern Era , and require ROP if building to another Nation . also require Engineers to build . or maybe as a Small Wonder .

                            Nuclear Blast / Fall out Shelter as a city improvement . would reduce pop kill to 30% in the event of a strike . made obsolete by SDI.
                            You cant have any pudding if you dont eat your meat !


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Trip
                              ...once you reach a certain level of mastry in each area, then you get a new technology. For example, when math is at level 28, chemistry at level 35, then you acquire the tech of "Explosive Munitions." Stuff like that.
                              Now that seems like an interesting method of research to a micromanager like myself. I like it... keep us filled in on your progress with this project.
                              You have not converted a man merely because you have silenced him.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Ribannah
                                How ancient?

                                The Needle

                                Or ...

                                Herbal Lore
                                Okay, maybe not that ancient.

                                Or ...

                                The Canoe
                                The Oven
                                The Calendar
                                *Snickers* A GE oven?
                                But this would be a good place to start. Calendar & seasons would be a good one... helps with farming production, etc.

                                Or ...

                                The Council
                                Canal Building
                                Bridge Building

