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Beg Firaxis to fix Armies in the Next Patch

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  • Beg Firaxis to fix Armies in the Next Patch

    Some of this information is a Repost but intended to try and focus Firaxis on getting Armies fixed in a near term patch that gets released to the public.

    The ARMY unit in CIV3 may be the most embarrassing set of examples of coding mistakes that still exist within the CIV3 Beta version that has been on the public market.
    A number of features of the ARMY as a unit should be simply shifted in the coding to allow these features to be applied to other units, while there are some outright bugs in Armies that have to be fixed without further delay.

    Fix ARMIES to eliminate the following bugs:
    1) Allow the units in an army to heal damage at the same rate as units outside the army. Currently (as of 4/21/02) the units in the army heal slower than their peers and receive no healing benefit from barracks. It can take 6 or 7 turns for a badly damaged army to heal whereas the individual units of the same caliber will heal in one turn if located in a city with barracks.
    2) Allow units in an army to exercise their zone of control powers such as taking pot shots at passing units. Currently (as of 4/21/02) an army 3 infantry does nothing as enemy units run past the army. The standard features of the Army indicate that it should confer a zone of control on all units, just like a fortress, but this feature does not work.
    3) Fix the Armies defensive priority calculations to determine if the units in the army are intended for attack or defense purposes. Currently (as of 4/21/02) an army of 3 veteran Cavalry will be the priority defender even when stack with 3 veteran musket men. This appears to be due to the algorithm that calculates the defender power of the army as 4 hit points times 3 units times a D value of 3. The Army has to stand there and get pummeled until it loses at least 7 of its 12 hit points before a musket man with a stronger D value of 4 will take over and defend the stack.
    4) Fix the unit attack and movement points calculations for armies to address the current bugs as described: “An army of 3 or 4 cavalry can only attack once in a turn. When faced by three spearmen defenders, an advancing army of cavalry will take three turns to reduce the defenders while a group of three separate cavalry units will almost always reduce the 3 spearmen defenders in a single turn.” Standard features indicate that armies should have blitz mode, so if the cavalry still have movement points they should be able to attack.
    5) When disbanded in a city, Armies should yield the salvage shield points of the army AND the salvage shield points for the units contained in the army. Currently (as of 4/21/02) the units in the army just evaporate. Either yield the shields for the units in the army directly, or leave the disbanded units for us to disband individually but definately the units should not just vanish.
    6) Increase the range of defensive visibility for Armies by 1 extra tile in radius to simulate the multi-unit capability of the army. Even when poised on a single square, the equivalent units to a cavalry army would have great visibility each turn due to scouting and reconsolidation. Movement of the individual units would cut a wider visibility swatch through terrain and then reconsolidate.
    7) Give Armies the ability to pillage improvements in some appropriate scale to the units in the army.
    8) Give an Army 1 extra defensive point to simulate at least the minimum power that a leader will have in military police or resistance and culture flipping suppression. Currently (as of 4/21/02) an army of 3 cavalry has no greater impact in these areas than just a group of three warriors. Since the army is a military unit with combat capabilities it should have some leadership and military police value. Answering the question “should it be easier to revolt against an army of powerful military units or against an equal number of similar but less well organized units.” This effect has been tested in V1.21 and has no unbalancing impact on combat strength.

    Armies are a unique unit in that they are currently the only unit that is limited to the number of cities AND Armies are also unique in that they are the only unit that can be limited to being built in a city that has a specific small wonder or improvement already built.


    Why would someone spend the effort to write these coding constraints and then hardcode the restrictions into the general settings for the game that limits the use of the programming to only one specific unit???

    Why not set these choices as options on the units dialog and then make Armies the only current choice where this dialog applies to the unit released in the standard Civ3 product?

    Expanding the usefulness of this programming would only require adding a drop down menu to the units dialog page that would let the editor restrict building of units to a city where a specific wonder or improvement has been built. FLASHING GOLD STAR and CASH REGISTER DING.

    You would also add a check box to engage a ratio restriction on the units that would let you restrict the number of units that can be maintained relative to the number of cities, or number of improvements, or number of another type of units. For simplicity this Ratio should be implemented per 100 items of the restricting prerequisite. ANOTHER FLASHING GOLD STAR and CASH REGISTER DING.

    Implementing these army like features to be potentially applicable to any or all units will give you a set of tools that can be used by the game play balancing Nazis to help control balance without just simply making the units worthless, ineffective, technically and financially inaccessible.

    Other simple unit features that should be implemented along the same philosophical approach should include:
    • A unit support cost multiplier and a transport utilization factor. Both of these factors should be implemented based on a 100 factor being the 100 to 100 ratio.
    • An “obsolete by upgrade” flag that allows units to be built and then upgraded without eliminating the ability to build the first unit as is the current default implementation.
    • Units “upgrade cost multiplier” that allows the upgrade costs to be defined as more or less than the standard calculated shield to gold ratio of 100%. This feature will allow units to be built in some towns and cities and then “sent to school” in other cities for the upgrade without making it impossible for towns to build the lower units.
    • A “targeted unit” selection box and factor that allows each unit to have a defined other unit where its major attack or defense strength is most effective. This last item will have significant impact on letting the game play balance advocates control specific results without creating universal destroyer or universally worthless units. Examples of implementing this set of choices would be perhaps an A10 Warthog against tanks or a machine gun against infantry. These selective choices would avoid the seemingly silly scenarios where a longbow man kills a tank or where galleys can sink privateers 60% of the time.

    Note that most of these simple drop down box restrictions and other ratio restrictions already exist and have been tested in the game code for units and for improvements/wonders (witness Armies, Wall Street, Battlefield Medicine, and SDI). Just take the coding and tie it to the appropriate drop down boxes and ratio boxes on the units pages and improvement/wonder pages and the result will be 15 orders of magnitude closer to a rave reviewed product by the core group of users that will drive all the market expansion.

    This open letter really is meant to focus on encouraging the philosophical shift to make the features of the game more accessible for simple adjustment because we need to recognize that the hundreds of creative minds in the game play and modification community will use features in new and creative ways that may go well beyond anything that the original creators can envision.

    Also, this letter should emphasize a need for an approach to game play balancing that does not simply focus on rendering the included unit incapable of reasonable and cost effective functioning. There ought to be a winning game strategy that includes valid reasons for building and using each unit in the game instead of a philosophy that actively tries to prevent the units from being any advantage to the human player if the unit are built and utilized in an appropriate strategy.

  • #2

    Excellent post! Jeff and Soren, come over here, and gives us nice armies.

    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


    • #3
      aye, sure is --heh, explains alot of things for me. thanks = )


      • #4
        Actually, I find armies to be plenty poweful in you just cut the shield cost in half and allow one per city. In my modifications, I also made the Pentagon and Heroic Epic(thinking about changing this to palace) able to build armies. This allows for much more armies in the game, for both the human and the AIs. And the AIs build armies frequently and use them effectively. The problem is just the cost and number allowed.


        • #5

          Don't be distracted. The ability of letting the user mod the standard game to counteract errors or shortcomings in standard features does not equate to fixing any problem.

          The standard out of the box game, should be functional and should have the features as promised in the documentation:

          1) Units that don't heal properly in Armies = Bug
          2) No Zone of Control in Armies when it is promised in the documentation = Bug
          3) Offensive armies defending before the more powerful defenders = Bug (or logic cramp)
          4) Armies' without blitz mode when it is promised in the documentation = Bug
          5) Disbanding Armies resulting in unit evaporation = Bug
          6) Armies' loss of mobility and visibility = Logic cramp and undue penalty
          7) Armies' lack of leadership impact on Military Police effect = Logic cramp or lack of big picture perspective.

          We need the basic game to be fixed and fixed properly to let that function well without modification as well as support a reasonable structure for modifying and/or adding units that the Firaxis team lacks the inclination or time to develop and support.

          Thanks for posting


          • #6
            Along the same lines I have to wonder wh y they don't allow units in armies to have stacked fighting, u know things like flanking, and things like that. That is so much more realistic, and it makes for a much more strategically deep game.
            DO, OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO TRY - Yoda


            • #7
              Heh, if you want to get anal-realistic, you can say that all of those deficiencies are caused by the ineffeciency of military organizations.

              1) About the healing aspect, I don't have a problem with it. I don't ever want to see a army of 4 Mech. Infantry that has 20 HP that heals to max is not completely destroyed.

              3) An army of defense 3 with 10+ hp or a unit of defense 4 with 3 hp. The army may take more damage but has a better chance to win.

              4) My armies of tanks blitz. I gonna have to test it with other units, though.

              7) When is your citizen happiness so close to the edge of revolt that this would make a difference?


              • #8
                Armies ever since 1.17f can blitz, regardless of units in it.
                Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                • #9
                  What mods have you done to your game? Your item #1 I have had contrary experience with, and Firaxis "says" they have fixed #2 & #4 with 1.21 (I have my own rant with #2).
                  1) Allow the units in an army to heal damage at the same rate as units outside the army. Currently (as of 4/21/02) the units in the army heal slower than their peers and receive no healing benefit from barracks. It can take 6 or 7 turns for a badly damaged army to heal whereas the individual units of the same caliber will heal in one turn if located in a city with barracks.
                  With 1.17, armies heal in a barracks to just shy of full strength in one turn. Let the army sit for a second turn to top them off. My personal experience.
                  2) Allow units in an army to exercise their zone of control powers such as taking pot shots at passing units. Currently (as of 4/21/02) an army 3 infantry does nothing as enemy units run past the army. The standard features of the Army indicate that it should confer a zone of control on all units, just like a fortress, but this feature does not work.
                  As you SHOULD well know, ZOC effects only display when the ZOC attack is successful, so it might well not display. In this I am only saying that I seriously doubt that you have proof of it not working. OTH, I fundamentally disagree with the way ZOC works: the units passing through the ZOC have their defense doubled "because they are moving targets," which I think is a totally bogus rationale.
                  4) Fix the unit attack and movement points calculations for armies to address the current bugs as described: “An army of 3 or 4 cavalry can only attack once in a turn. When faced by three spearmen defenders, an advancing army of cavalry will take three turns to reduce the defenders while a group of three separate cavalry units will almost always reduce the 3 spearmen defenders in a single turn.” Standard features indicate that armies should have blitz mode, so if the cavalry still have movement points they should be able to attack.
                  In 1.21, even tanks in (or out of) an army should be able to attack twice (blitz) if they do not move. However, I recently had an experience which I suspected to be similar to yours with a Cavalry army, but I want to confirm it.
                  Perhaps Army blitz capability was only to allow blitzing if its components were blitz capable? -- I sure HOPE that's not the case!

                  Sorry to be so contrary, but your points that I objected to stood out first. Interesting ideas, overall.


                  • #10

                    4) Fix the unit attack and movement points calculations for armies to address the current bugs as described: “An army of 3 or 4 cavalry can only attack once in a turn. When faced by three spearmen defenders, an advancing army of cavalry will take three turns to reduce the defenders while a group of three separate cavalry units will almost always reduce the 3 spearmen defenders in a single turn.” Standard features indicate that armies should have blitz mode, so if the cavalry still have movement points they should be able to attack.

                    In 1.21, even tanks in (or out of) an army should be able to attack twice (blitz) if they do not move. However, I recently had an experience which I suspected to be similar to yours with a Cavalry army, but I want to confirm it.
                    Perhaps Army blitz capability was only to allow blitzing if its components were blitz capable? -- I sure HOPE that's not the case!

                    Sorry to be so contrary, but your points that I objected to stood out first. Interesting ideas, overall.
                    Im using 1.21 and I attacked a city with a cavalry army.After I killed the first unit I thought -what the heck-and attacked again and to my surprise I was able to attack 3 times.
                    so this has been fixed however the other problems that are mentioned here still exsist.
                    Please firaxes give me an army that is useful.The blitz is not enough although I still try to build the military accadamy and pentagon just because I want everything.
                    Die-Bin Laden-die


                    • #11
                      Apparently I was the only one frustrated today by armies today I would disagree with #3. The strongest unit is always the first line of defense even if its an army of offensive units (think of it as an immediate counterattack).

                      You gave an army a defensive value? When did that defense come into play? After each unit was down to 1 hp or when all the units were killed?


                      • #12
                        Blitz Mode Example 1 in V1.21

                        Using standard rules, except the cost of armies and build timing was reduced to let them be built early and fror 30 shields each so we would have lots of armies to test.

                        Basic Example: An army of 3 modern armor attacks a town defended by 6 spearmen.

                        Example 1a: when the army starts two tiles away from the town: army moves one tile to get nearer -- army moves 2nd tile to be adjacent to town (all units are down to one movement) -- army attacks first spearman defender and kills him -- army is now used up and cannot move or attack and the attack against the city does not continue until the next turn. Next turn army attacks town and kills 1 of five spearmen and then has 1 move point remaining which allows a second attack on the city to kill 1 of 4 spearmen. Third turn: army attacks and kills 1 of 3 spearmen and then uses its final move point to attack and kill 1 or 2 spearman, turn over. Fourth turn, army attacks and kills final spearman and still has 2 moves left after it moves into city.

                        Example 1b: three modern armor start two tiles away from the town anbd move together like an army: move one tile to get nearer -- all move 2nd tile to stay together and be adjacent to town -- first MA attacks and kills 1st spearman, 2nd MA attacks and kills 2nd spear, 3rd MA attacks and kills 3rd spear (all movement points have been used up). 2ND TURN: 1st MA attacks and kills 4th Spear, 2nd MA attacks and kills 5th spear, 3rd MA attacks and kills 6th spear and captures city with 2 move points left. 1st and 2nd MA move into town to join 3rd MA and have only 1 move point left each.

                        Army takes 4 turns to accomplish the same task a the same units without the army.


                        • #13
                          V1.21 blitz mode example 2

                          Army of 3 Immortals attacks town defended by 3 spearman form a square immediately adjacent to the town.

                          Example 2a: Immortal army attacks and kills spearman defender with 1 hit point damage to immortals but then the turn is over because all movement points have been exhausted. 2nd turn, Immortal army attacks and kills 2nd spearman defender, turn over all movement exhausted. 3rd turn, immortal army attacks and kills final spearman taking one hit point of damage and captures town.

                          Example 2b: stack of 3 immortals attacks town. First immortal kills first spearman. Second immortal kills 2nd spearman taking 1 hit point of damage. Third immortal kills 3rd spearman taking one hit point of damage and captures town.

                          Attack by individual immortals takes one turn, attack by immortal army takes three turns under the same conditions.


                          • #14
                            Cracker -

                            You have concisely reiterated my (now ancient) complaints about armies. But you didn't seem to include one of the biggies - the ability to either upgrade consituent units, or to replace/remove units as needed. The US still doesn't field Continental Soldiers in the army, we've upgraded...



                            • #15
                              1 D point for armies and armies of attackers do not make the best defenders

                              For Alphawolf et all:

                              The defense point added to the army in the units editor had no effect on any combat results. The code for armies is hard coded to only total up the A and D values for the included units.

                              I tested the impact with a D value of 15 for an army itself and this had no impact on the combat results either.

                              Technically the D value would only come into play with the case where you would leave an empty undefended army out in the open to be attacked by enemy units or barbarians. In that case the army might defend itself without any included units (but I did not verify this as it border on the Ripley's BION category).

                              I will have to drag out the data on the defensive priority of armies because from the test results, Armies should definately not be the first unit to defend, if they are offensive units. The test examples I used were with cavalry armies accompanied by pikemen and musketmem defenders while attacking towns defended by persian musketmen and immortals.

                              The Cavalry armies are definately an important part of the attack scenario to try and dislodge the musketmen defenders.

                              But in something like 8 out of the 10 test cases, the cavalry armies were virtually incapacitated by persian counterattacks by immortals and cavalry while the accompanying defender excorts were almost never touched. When armies were used the attacks never succeeded while when the same units were used without armies then the defender escorts absorbed and blunted the counterattacks (as it should have been) leaving the attack force at full strength to attack the strong defenders.

                              The success rate of individual cavalry attackers versus musketmen defenders is lower than the same cavalry in armies, but since the cavalry armies could never reach the attack objectives with more than 3 or 4 hit points out of a possible 12 to 15, because they were maimed and victimized in the advance, the results overwhelmingly favored not using armies.

                              The key point is that an army of attackers that have D values lower than comparable defenders of their era will never be a comparable defender to the individual defensive units.

                              Longbowmen do not make a good real example because their D value of 1 does not exceed the D value of 3 for a comparable pikeman even when three longbowna are lumped together. But in the example of an army of Immortals (A=4 D=2) accompanied by pikemen defenders, the immortal army will be decimated and probably destroyed by just one or two cavalry attackers while the pikemen defenders will never be engaged.

                              A unit that is a weak one-on-one defender does not magically become a good defender in an army when compared to its defensive specialty peers. Remember that individual rounds of combat are resolved between the individual units on an individual basis. Even if an offensive army is not destroyed, it can be maimed beyond being any value if the current defensive selection logic continues to be applied.

