?Let me ask you this , if the somehow the Germans managed to cross the atlantic during WW2 and took over Long Island New York, dont you think sooner or later the residents of Long Island would rebel ( Seeing as they are close to New York City , which would have one of each cultural buildings and at least a few wonders).
Don't misunderstand me I like culture as a way of controlling borders but losing cities and troops garisoned there is just not acceptable to me.
And also just because I couldn't think of any historic precedent didn't mean that I was saying there weren't any. I fact I've just thought of something roughly similar, West/East Germany. But leaving historic accuracy aside, I just think that culture flipping was thrown in to attempt to balance the miltraristic bias of the game. And I suppose my main problem is that there is sometimes little you can do to counter act it other than by modifying you game style to incorporate building up of culture.