Republic, even when war mongering. I'll go Demo when warmongering too, but expect to have to dump 20% into lux. Of course, I am paying plenty of "hidden costs" in entertainers too, but I usually don't notice or care until it gets to more than 2 in each city (or starvation, whichever comes first), at which point I up the lux slider. I don't think I've every used the lux slider in Rep, or gone above 20% in Demo, and I haven't slid into anarchy since my first game despite 20+ turn wars.
Is it just me or does war weariness eventually top out? Seems like I can stop worrying about it after about 10 turns.
Course I'm not playing on Emporer/Diety <--- *Fitz points out he's still a wuss
Is it just me or does war weariness eventually top out? Seems like I can stop worrying about it after about 10 turns.
Course I'm not playing on Emporer/Diety <--- *Fitz points out he's still a wuss
