The United States "could have stayed in Vietnam indefinitely"??
Yea, surrre. I suppose that is true IF you ingnore such things as the tremendous cost of that stupid war; the fact that the U.S. greatly weakened its military in Europe and elsewhere; international political opposition; and growing and vehement opposition to the war at home which by 1968 forced a commitement to bring that idiotic needless adventure to a close.
Oh yes, Kennedy and Johnson the Liar repeatedly spoke of the phony Domino Theory and all of Southeast Asia turning "Red" if South Vietnam "fell", and that includes the Philippines and eastern Pacific. The REALITY is the after that ersatz puppet regime in Saigon collapsed the ONLY country that turned communist was Laos.
Yea, surrre. I suppose that is true IF you ingnore such things as the tremendous cost of that stupid war; the fact that the U.S. greatly weakened its military in Europe and elsewhere; international political opposition; and growing and vehement opposition to the war at home which by 1968 forced a commitement to bring that idiotic needless adventure to a close.
Oh yes, Kennedy and Johnson the Liar repeatedly spoke of the phony Domino Theory and all of Southeast Asia turning "Red" if South Vietnam "fell", and that includes the Philippines and eastern Pacific. The REALITY is the after that ersatz puppet regime in Saigon collapsed the ONLY country that turned communist was Laos.