TinCow, it's just because there is no worldwide accepted final list of 7 wonders. A greek or two made a list of seven. Other people made other lists. In other words, there is no official, unquestionable list! Some weren't built by the time your 7 were compiled. Shouldn't the list just grow with the possible additions?
Bleyn, most of the greek 7 were greek. Borders were different 3000 years ago! Halicarnassus, Ephesos, etc, were all greek, but are not in Greece today. The lighthouse and library in Alexandria were built in a greek founded city. The lighthouse was built by greek engineers (designed and overseen, anyway - who knows who actually sweated over moving the blocks). I dunno who built the library...
Bleyn, most of the greek 7 were greek. Borders were different 3000 years ago! Halicarnassus, Ephesos, etc, were all greek, but are not in Greece today. The lighthouse and library in Alexandria were built in a greek founded city. The lighthouse was built by greek engineers (designed and overseen, anyway - who knows who actually sweated over moving the blocks). I dunno who built the library...
