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Missing Wonders of the World

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  • Missing Wonders of the World

    Why is it that in all of the Civ games, they chose to include the 'Wonders of the World' as central buildings and objectives in the game, yet they only put 4 of the actualy 7 wonders in the game. I demand the Statue of Zeus, the Temple of Artemis, and the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus! I mean really... the Temple could easily be substituted for the Oracle, and I'm sure they could find some way to fit the other two in as well.

    Firaxis, do you have any idea how many kids are going to be running around thinking that the Great Library and the Great Wall were real wonders of the world???

  • #2
    I would think a wall that can been seen from space a wonder.
    I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


    • #3
      Seriously.. there are two "sets" of wonders of the world... the ancient ones (mostly greek) and the modern ones (more diverse)...
      so we gonna have 14 wonders of the world.. (wait, do some repeat, like the Pyramids? im unsure...)

      but wait... there are 9 modern wonders of the world... well... there are if you count Andre the Giant and Chyna of WWF...

      build them as wonders, and both will increase, um... uhh... happy faces? in exchange for a reduction in inteligence (science)
      Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ninot
        build them as wonders, and both will increase, um... uhh... happy faces? in exchange for a reduction in inteligence (science)
        I did somthing like that to my courthouses. I made them make 1 happy and 1 unhappy person in that city in which it's built. The idea is that in civil court, you have a winner and loser.
        I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


        • #5
          Re: Missing Wonders of the World

          Originally posted by TinCow
          Firaxis, do you have any idea how many kids are going to be running around thinking that the Great Library and the Great Wall were real wonders of the world???
          Are those same kids that believe the Americans & English were around since 4000 BC and now are sending spaceships filled with people to Alpha Centuri? Wait a second... has anyone warned these kids about the Mind Worms?!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Thrawn05
            I would think a wall that can been seen from space a wonder.
            MYTH ALERT

            actually, you can see LOTS of manmade things from space--anything that disrupts the 'natural' vista of the the great wall, cities, long straight highways, harbors, etc.


            • #7

              actually, you can see LOTS of manmade things from space--anything that disrupts the 'natural' vista of the the great wall, cities, long straight highways, harbors, etc.
              That is not true. The Great Wall is the ONLY man-made structure that can be seem from space. The things that you mentioned can only be seen as lights at night... cities are structures! they're cluster of structures and you can't make them out from space. Long straight highways?? What like route 66?? you can c that 2 lane dirt road from space? and habor?? pls......

              as for TinCow: Great Wall is one of the 7 wonders of the world. I think there're enough Greek wonders in the game and if you add n e more it'll be like saying Greek is the only civilized being of that time... They already got like... 4 wonders featured...

              Image is just your imagination. Reality is rarely revealed. - Geri Halliwell


              • #8
                Re: what??

                Originally posted by spicytimothy

                That is not true. The Great Wall is the ONLY man-made structure that can be seem from space. The things that you mentioned can only be seen as lights at night... cities are structures! they're cluster of structures and you can't make them out from space. Long straight highways?? What like route 66?? you can c that 2 lane dirt road from space? and habor?? pls......

                as for TinCow: Great Wall is one of the 7 wonders of the world. I think there're enough Greek wonders in the game and if you add n e more it'll be like saying Greek is the only civilized being of that time... They already got like... 4 wonders featured...

                Actually YOURE wrong. sorry. You can't even see the Great Wall from that far up....just stuff like runways and things. Check it out.


                • #9
                  Re: what??

                  Originally posted by spicytimothy

                  as for TinCow: Great Wall is one of the 7 wonders of the world. I think there're enough Greek wonders in the game and if you add n e more it'll be like saying Greek is the only civilized being of that time... They already got like... 4 wonders featured...

                  Actually, the Great Wall is not one of the classical 7 wonders of the world. I happened to watch a show on this subject on the History Channel tonight. And the Great Wall was and is not one of "The 7 Wonders".

                  What you have to keep in mind is that the 7 Wonders were defined sometime around 100-200 B.C. and were considered the 7 places that any traveller in the Mediteranian and Asia Minor absolutely had to go see if they got the chance during their travels. The ultimate tourist attractions of their day if you will.

                  And while there was communication with the Orient at that time, and portions of the Great Wall were in existence, it was nowhere near the monumental structure that it is now. In fact, IIRC, the Great Wall was built piecemeal over a period of at least 1000-1500 years. So it would have been hard for the ancient Greeks and Romans philosophers who really made up the list to pick the Great Wall as one of the Big 7.

                  The big 7 were the three Tincow mentioned plus the Great Pyramid, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Hanging Gardens, and the Pharos Lighthouse.

                  Edit: BTW, Where do you get 4 Greek Wonders from anyway? The only one I count is The Oracle of Delphi. Maybe The Colossus if you count Rhodes as Greek, which I don't beleive it was at that time. If anything the Egyptians are the heavies on the Ancient list with The Pyramids, Great Library and The Lighthouse.

                  As for kids getting distorted ideas of history from the game, I suspect that if anything 1). their idea of history will be no more or less distorted than they will get in school and 2). playing Civ might actually help inspire an interest in real history that will cause them to seek out the real information.
                  Last edited by Bleyn; April 1, 2002, 05:16.


                  • #10
                    Re: Re: what??

                    Originally posted by Bleyn
                    Edit: BTW, Where do you get 4 Greek Wonders from anyway? The only one I count is The Oracle of Delphi. Maybe The Colossus if you count Rhodes as Greek, which I don't beleive it was at that time. If anything the Egyptians are the heavies on the Ancient list with The Pyramids, Great Library and The Lighthouse.

                    As for kids getting distorted ideas of history from the game, I suspect that if anything 1). their idea of history will be no more or less distorted than they will get in school and 2). playing Civ might actually help inspire an interest in real history that will cause them to seek out the real information.
                    You mean that the Pyramids were not built on Seattle?
                    And the Great Lubrary was not in Berlin?
                    I always thought the Lighthouse was built in Rome?

                    Damn, I better start hitting the books.
                    I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


                    • #11
                      Re: Re: Re: what??

                      Originally posted by Thrawn05
                      You mean that the Pyramids were not built on Seattle?
                      And the Great Lubrary was not in Berlin?
                      I always thought the Lighthouse was built in Rome?
                      Where was the Great Wall of China again?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by cephyn

                        MYTH ALERT

                        actually, you can see LOTS of manmade things from space--anything that disrupts the 'natural' vista of the the great wall, cities, long straight highways, harbors, etc.

                        You just proven me right. I didn't say that it was the only thing that can be view from space now did I?
                        I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


                        • #13
                          Re: Re: what??

                          Originally posted by Bleyn
                          Edit: BTW, Where do you get 4 Greek Wonders from anyway? The only one I count is The Oracle of Delphi. Maybe The Colossus if you count Rhodes as Greek, which I don't beleive it was at that time. If anything the Egyptians are the heavies on the Ancient list with The Pyramids, Great Library and The Lighthouse.
                          Rhodes was Greek. So were a lot of other places outside of Greece. Like Alexandria. Which is why the Great Library and the Lighthouse at Pharos are Greek.

                          Cleopatra was Greek too.

                          The Greeks were all over the Eastern Mediteranean even before Alexander spread them around even farther. The Greeks had a serious case of ICS even before Sid created Civilization.


                          • #14
                            I´m with the TinCow there are the real 7 wonders of the world... not 54
                            Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
                            religiones mohosas hasta el alma...


                            • #15
                              I have no problems with doing medieval/industrial/modern wonders for the sake of game balance... I'm just curious why they chose to NOT use about half of the REAL wonders.

                              I too would like to emphasize that the Great Wall is NOT visible from space. Not only is there plenty of factual backing for this (just look it up on the internet), but it's common sense as well. The thing that is incredible about the Wall is its length. The thing that would make it visible would be its width. The width of the Wall varies from 15-30 feet. Do you really think you could see something 30 feet wide from space? Can you see your house? The fact that it is very long means nothing if you can't see any individual section on its own.

