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Mad as Hell and Not going to Take it Anymore!

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  • #31

    I did not like the victory conditions in Civ2. When playing those two great WW2 secnarios,forgot his name who made them, the two things I really did not like about them,was that you had to take all cities to win,unless time expired, and that countries like China ,netherlands etc. could produce any weapons that the US etc. could produce and that they could build them in massive quanity. Those cinditions made it BORING.


    • #32
      Civ 3 is ambitious but weak....

      I posted this in another forum yesterday but it seems more appropriate here:

      I've been playing this game since Civ first appeared and have been a huge fan though all of its versions (1 & 2 and Alpha Centauri) and I think III is the most ambitious of all. I don't understand magazine reviewers saying "it's more of the same but it's nice" (they have deadlines, I guess), since there HUGE changes in Civ. Isuppose the changes are too subtle. They'd prefer to see a Civ III single person shooter... that'd be "innovative"

      But I'm digressing. My point is that because the game has so many changes, it has MANY problems

      1) I want my foreign advisor to tell me if I'm about to break a treaty. It's too easy to loose track and as a result everyone hates you in in the end game.

      2) I want more options to play the game the way I want to play it. My biggest annoyance by far is having a huge continent with only one valuabe resourse (iron, saltpeter, etc.) and then having that resourse expire. I quit games over stuff like that. It's stupid design. You like it? Fine. Just give me the option to opt out. I also want the scarcity of resources to be an option I can pick when I start the game.

      3) I want a warning before a city flips to another culture. A pop up about "civil unrest" isn't too much to ask for. Losing a large army out of the blue like that sucks ass and is bad design again.

      4) Why is the government type of other nations only visible from the Military advisor? Not the Foreign advisor? Why aren't we told about changes in governents? These things can't be secret... Why doesn't the dialogue change to reflect changes in government any more? Why can't I see ALL of my opponents on a large world Foreign advisor screen?

      Now I'm not dumping on the game even though it sounds like it. I like the game but I have serious reservations about it. I feels like it was rushed to get it out for chrismas.

      If Firaxis can patch it up I'll love it more than any Civ version. Otherwise I might move back to SMAC. SMAC, whatever its faults, let the gamer customize a great deal.

      Give gamers options and controls. Keep your customers happy. That's all I'm saying...


      • #33

        I got out a book ahowing the resources of the world and added them to Marlas map.

