Ohhh.......Im sorry Moron Of course dont blame the ****in game!?

Its not the devolopers fault it is a flawed pile of ****! Its yours for reading into the phoney hype!

Well...you can go to hell.

Its obvouisly the fault of the devolopers. Oh I refuse to adapt?
Thats a load of bull kiddo
Thats a load of bull kiddo

Don't you roll your eyes at me little boy. Now clean up your room and put the toy soldiers away. Your not treating them very well and they may run away to the neighbors little boy. He is much nicer to his toys.
The fact is the whole war thing is a fuxin mess. Almost all the cities you capture are raised.
Ming I'll chill out. Sorry for the flames. I just had to say that!
Sorry you felt the need to show how poorly you deal with both culture and flames. Do try to get some culture for yourself. Perhaps if I was to point you to some nice Bach or Beethoven recordings or maybe some good musuem sites on the web.