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Soren: About AI building

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Thrawn05

    You might as well build a switch in a do... while loop. Or well. I'm still having fun tweaking AvPGE! I made those damn AL|ENS faster and smarter (they ALL know where you are at all times now!)
    They released AvPGE source? Interesting. Haven't played in awhile, played online a bit though (Always played as a Marine, under the moniker TheOrkinMan). I'd love to fight some upgraded bugs...



    • #17
      Originally posted by Venger
      They released AvPGE source? Interesting. Haven't played in awhile, played online a bit though (Always played as a Marine, under the moniker TheOrkinMan). I'd love to fight some upgraded bugs...

      It should still be at , its a 10MB download. You'll need MS C++ 6 and MS DirectX 8 SDK to compile and build it. You can get the DirectX SDK from MS's website. The code is kinda hard to read (it's all #define statements), but it's neat to look at how they did it.
      I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Willem As for the FP, that's a very small detail that might help make the AI a bit more challenging.
        Might? A bit? Building a forbidden palace in the correct spot (as opposed to right next to your capital) essentially DOUBLES your total production under every government except for Communism (under which all cities are equally WORTHLESS). That AI civ with the FP next to the palace is only building about half the number of things that it could, only has half the number of cities that could viably build a wonder or pump out a unit per turn, is only netting about half the trade (and ergo half the science beakers), and so on and so forth. The AI for Emperor and Monarch might have nominal discounts on production and research, but if they do bonehead things like that forbidden palace, that 10-20% bonus turns into a 30%-40% DEFICIT versus a competent human, even before the "having a brain" advantage is factored in.

        Though it may not fix all the bonehead strategic moves the AI tries, having it place forbidden palaces in optimal spots would make it go a LONG ways towards being competitive in difficulties where it should enjoy a slight advantage.


        • #19
          Sorry, I did not provide the background to the facts I depicted above. When I said that there was a war going on, and that the war involved four out of six nations, I forgot to say that two of those warring nations were fighting for their own survival. They had only two or three cities, and were in a war that could cost them their own existence, and even so they decided to take out of production one of their cities to build a happiness wonder...

          I know that having only two or three cities means that extinction is on the verge, but they could do some last heroic effort to survive, and not cripple their chances even more taking one of their last cities out of production to build a wonder they would never be able to finish.

          But it was the AI. Not a human. So I think we must understand it.
          I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


          • #20
            Yes, the computer players need to build more harbors and much faster. I'd like to trade and I can't cuz they're on another continent and don't build harbors.


            • #21
              I've sen the AI build a FP in the same city as its palace. How's that for a waste of respources?

              Another time I was at war with the French and they started building a wonder in a city that I was actively attacking and was one turn away from taking. Once I had taken that city, the French started building the same wonder in the next adjacent city, which I took two turns later. :sigh:

              The AI sucks. I'm not expecting Deep Blue, just an AI that doesn't go out of its way to beat itself.

