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Who do you pick on?

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  • Who do you pick on?

    This thread is mostly for the warmongerers

    The question is, what civs do you tend to jump into war with the quickest?

    For me, its Egypt, with a tie between Greece and Germany for 2nd place.

    (note, this thread has probably been done before, but, who knows, maybe throw some stories in, make it a bit comical, mocking our favorite losers, and have some fun, whaddayasay?)

    Also, as a side poll, who do you tend to get friendly with? Hey, if your a TRUE warmongerer, you know the only answer to this question.
    Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.

  • #2
    All else being equal, I think England is the easiest target. Expansionist doesn't help the AI all that much, even on huge maps. They never build any Scouts, just use the free one at the start. Any techs they get from huts, just get traded around anyways, as the AI never tries to keep a tech lead on the other AI. Commercial is a very weak trait, especially in how it applys to AI empires. Scientific, Religious, and Industrious (faster builds) all tend to help the AI build up Culture, which makes Conquest a bit more difficult. Military gives the AI better trained troops on average, and their cities are more likely to have Barracks. Commercial doesn't offer much in the way of resistance to invasion.

    Other Favorite targets:

    Anyone who doesn't have Iron.
    Whoever builds the Great Library.
    Pre-1.17f whoever built the Pyramids.
    Persians and/or Romans before they can hook up the Iron.
    French and Americans are almost as weak as the English.
    Anyone I beat to Knights, Cavalry, or Tanks.

    Least Favorite targets:

    Zulu before I have Knights.
    Greeks, though not quite as bad as Zulu.
    Japanese in the Middle Ages.


    • #3
      Japan for me! I have a real love/hate relationship with Japan ... However since I play as Germans I have to wait to find them.

      Of course Japan is my second favorite civ to play as, when I'm not Germans. When I am Japan, I like to conquer China as soon as I find them nearby. You guys are industrious, so get to work!

      Who you play as is pretty important to this question ... I was going to say that with Egypt and Greece on your enemies list, you must like to play as Rome a lot. Then I looked at who was the poster... Rome just maybe!

      As for who to be friendly with, France all the way (though sometimes I have to conquer them due to being neighbors). They are the least aggressive, so I think they make a more dependable friend. I think France will be a popular answer for friends because of this, and the "Joan is cute!" voters, to say nothing of the "Joan is hot!" voters...

      edit: wow I like Aeson's thinking with who he targets... I never really thought that way. I almost always select targets based on geographic position, trying to conquer the land I want.
      Good = Love, Love = Good
      Evil = Hate, Hate = Evil


      • #4
        Nato, you got my number, don't ya?

        Well, i play Rome, but, mostly cuz i like the Legionaries, and... uhhm, uhh... the city names... and uhh... urr... WOO ROME!!

        Anyways, Egypt and Greece i probably fight alot cuz of the Culturally linked starting positions. Germany i fight alot more due to coincidence, they always seem to get a nice juicy piece of land right next to mine... or they just declare war on me, and i never let them forget it

        I like to play America and England too tho. As America, i stay peaceful (i feel embarrased saying that in a thread aimed for warmongeres ), but as England, i jump at Germany's throat early. Usually before a third city is settled.

        Generally, i disregard most strategy in picking opponents. Sometimes, a leader just looks at me the wrong way, or a civ settles an area that i was keen on settling next. Thats how most of my Egyptian wars start.

        But if i do start wars for resources, its only when i need the resource. I VERY rarely start wars just for resource deprival. I figure, if i'm going in for resource deprival, i might as well just go in for existance deprivation.
        Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


        • #5
          I generally pick on whoever tries to pick on me first, which is why I chose Germany. Greece, Rome, and Zululand are close runners-up.

          I'll also pick on anybody who's close to my starting position in or near some nice land. For some odd reason, this turns out to be Russia more often than not, even though I play many different civs and never use culturally linked starting positions.


          • #6
            I have a tendency to take out the Indians in the early game...other than that, some of my favorite targets are the Chinese and the Persians for no other reason other than they get in my way a lot.


            • #7
              Persia, Greece, and the Iroquois are all targets for my wrath, after the ancient era. Once their UUs are outdated, I move in and destroy their once-mighty armies.


              PS: Another reason, each of those civs has completely destroyed me on one occasion or another, the only ones to do so.
              If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....


              • #8
                England first (vote), Russia second, if playing a modern "european" game, taking out the expansionists. If playing an "ancient", it depends on who's closest; there's no favorite.


                • #9
                  I always find the Zulus extremely annoying. They always contact me even though they are still barbarians late in the game. They always want my tech for 1 gold, and they constantly threaten and are Annoyed for no reason. And for some reason all of the other AI civs tolerate them. They are my #1 target due to their stupidity.


                  • #10
                    Roma Victor!

                    Whoever is next. Time for a snack. Hmmm, Joan looks succulent...

                    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                    • #11
                      I usually want to crush my largest/richest neighbor during the Middle Ages, so that I can plunk down my Forbidden Palace and double my empire and productivity. Who would I prefer that neighbor to be? Well...

                      The English are usually weak, so they are #1
                      The Zulu are one of my favorites to kill, because once Impi are no longer a formidable unit, they are pushovers. #2

                      Beating up on Persia and/or Rome before they get iron is a good idea, but I usually don't do it. I don't like fighting really early on. Then again, sure enough both of them attacked me in my current game, and I had to deal with hordes of Immortals and Legions (thankfully, each had a terrible starting position, so they had small, stunted empires... and they didn't hit me at the same time).

                      grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                      The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                      • #12
                        I'll let Ralph guess who I chose...
                        Up The Millers


                        • #13
                          I play as the English, and I naturally pick on the French as they are my historical enemy.

                          I think England is the easiest target.
                          The English are usually weak, so they are #1
                          These comments are so true- my unique unit can't kill anything!!!


                          • #14
                            I'm playing as the English atm, but they are boosted in my games.
                            Scouts now have 1 move and treat all terrain as roads. This gets me a big tech lead.

                            Back to the Topic, I often pick on the Germans as they are a historical enemy of mine and i also find them dangerous in the later ages so better to crush them earlier. The French always seem an easy target somehow so i often destroy them too. I will always pick on Russia if i get the chance because i hate catherine.
                            Up The Millers


                            • #15
                              persia VRS Greeks!
                              Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
                              religiones mohosas hasta el alma...

