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Most necessary civ color changes?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by nato
    Russians - Grey or black. I tend to think of them as the Russian Empire, not the USSR, so no red for me.
    The Soviets were associated with red because it was the color adopted by the Bolsheviks. The Mensheviks were the "whites," and they lost out to the "reds."

    However, red has long been a favorite or lucky color for the Russians, and this preference probably dates back to the Mongol era. Red Square was named much earlier than the Soviet Era. The Russian word for red, krasnyi, is related to their word for beautiful, krasivyi.

    So, Russia has to be red for me, no question.

    Red wouldn't be a bad choice for England, but take a look at a world map, especially one from the pre-WW2 era. England and all her possessions are colored pink.

    I give the Aztecs the dark red color (blood!).


    • #17
      Well I thought the revolutionary reds defeated the non-revolutionary whites, but I didn't know Russia liked red or anything. I always thought it was just the whole red=revolution thing. Interesting info.

      Uhhh ... yellow = jaundice = sickly to Russians, there, I'm not totally clueless!

      I don't know though, the Russians were for so long so poor and such an oppressive government I have a hard time giving them a bright color. Must be all that capitalist propaganda I was subjected to.

      Good observation about the pink UK. I've spent a lot of my youth memorizing atlases ... I think pink, light green, and yellow get used a lot because they are light shades. Somehow the Pink Empire just doesn't do them justice!

      Americans: lt cyan (it makes them look inexperienced and not very intimidating)
      I found that line pretty hilarious.

      About the English again, I think orange works because I think they used to use red and orange flags ... I don't know for sure. At least I hope they did, or else I was picking orange for AOK English all that time for nothing...

      The Chinese were obsessed with red during the scary Cultural Revolution. So for that breif period it is a great choice for them. Non-communist Chinese really liked yellow though.

      Canada... Red (Scarlet). We own it. We own hockey. We own you all. Hahahaha.
      Gee I thought it was obvious that Canadia should be white for all that snow! Oh ho ho ... I need the Yank equivalent of "eh" now...

      Man, I just made a post this long about civ colors ... ouch ...
      Good = Love, Love = Good
      Evil = Hate, Hate = Evil


      • #18
        I forgot to mention that I assign that bright shocking pink color to the Indians (as opposed to the light pink for the English), for no better reason than my associating it with brightly colored saris. But it seems to fit the Indians better than any other Civ, so why not?


        • #19
          Re: Most necessary civ color changes?

          Originally posted by Miznia
          When I first got Civ3, one of the first things I felt the need to do was to reassign the colors of virtually all civs. Germans > black, French > dk blue, Japanese > dk purple, Chinese > red, Zulus > green, English > orange (or were they already?). I was okay with a brown Russia, but they've ended up white (brown Greeks).

          Anyone else have strong preferences about what civs get what color? I'm kind of curious where color conceptions come from.

          IMO the most necessary change I made was to get rid of the French magenta, that awful light purple. I gave it to the barbarians.


          Should be the same colors as in civ2 with new civ it doesn't matter. After years of playing civ2 I have gotten used to those
          colors and I always think green is Zulu for example.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Coracle
            I thought changing colors in the Editor caused problems with game CRASHING??
            It can. However, Gramphos has found a way around this problem. If it causes a problem, drop him a line.


            • #21
              My two cents

              Russia - Brown (must be the "Axis and Allies" influence)
              Aztec - Jade Green (due to the Jade artificates and the color of their homeland landscape)
              Egypt - Golden Yellow (Gold artifacts and the color of the Egytian landscape)
              Germans - Black or Grey (just seems right)
              Americans - Olive Drab (probably influenced by growing up on Marine Corp air bases)
              Chinese - Yellow (once again it just seems right)
              Japanese - Bright Red (Imperial flag)
              Rome - Fushia Red (hollywood depictions of Roman Soldiers)
              Greek - Light Green (Olives and pictures I've seen of the Greece landscape)
              Babylon - ??? (I don't know-no associations)
              French - Light Blue (probably some more "Axis and Allies" influence)
              Persia - Purple (both start with a "P")
              India - Saffron Yellow (does Saffron really come from India?)
              Zulu - Light Brown (seems right)
              English - Orange (that color comes to mind-dont know why)
              Iroquois - Pipestone Red (because of the Chinupa and the Sacred Pipestone)
              Barbarians - White (nuetrality)


              • #22
                The Soviets were associated with red because it was the color adopted by the Bolsheviks. The Mensheviks were the "whites," and they lost out to the "reds."
                Actually 'Whites' was just a catch-all term for the anti-Bolshevik forces after the Revolution. I think the red colour came from a Welsh miners' revolt or somesuch... something to do with blood.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Miznia
                  No, that would suck. That's how it is in CTP2. It makes you feel like there's nothing distinct about any of your opponents. The player color is determined by what player slot it is, additionally, so the set of colors you get is always the same, and the human player is always dk blue.
                  I just want to make sure that every game doesn't feel the same. I think it's boring to say: "Hey I can see light blue borders overthere, that means were close the Americans". It would be better to say: "Hey I can see some light blue borders overthere, I wonder who that is".

                  That makes it more suprising!!!

                  But the worst kind of that I have seen is in e.g. Settlers I and II, where you always had to play as the red (or was it blue, and the Settlers III was red. Doesn't remember). That is just soooooo boring I like suprises, and there's no suprise in knowing the enemies on the border color.

                  Originally posted by Miznia
                  That's how it is in CTP2.
                  And just because it's in ctp2, it'll suck??? That was one of the few good parts they had in that game!!!

                  BUT ofcause, most important of all: It needs to be optional, so for those who want to play by suprise they get to play by suprise, and for those of you who don't like to be suprised.......Well I think you have got the point!
                  This space is empty... or is it?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by TheDarkCavalier
                    Russia should be RED - RED army....
                    You can say that about China too.
                    I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


                    • #25
                      China... I can't force myself to play a pink empire.
                      "You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon


                      • #26
                        The most needed color change in Civ III is NOT any of the civs but the LINES for treaties on the Foreign Advisor screen. The Right of Passage and the Mutual Protection Pact are nearly the same exact shade of green. I have to flip those two on and off to tell which civ has which agreement.

                        What were thinking on those color choices? Why haven't they fixed them? Have they ever heard of CONTRAST?

                        As for the civs I like the French and hate the Pink Fopeteers. I would like to choose the color of whatever Civ I am playing.


                        • #27
                          French - Light Blue (probably some more "Axis and Allies" influence)
                          Americans - Olive Drab (probably influenced by growing up on Marine Corp air bases)
                          There wern't any French in Axis and Allies, IIRC. Germany had already conquered France by the beginning fo the game.

                          I don't think Olive Drab is on the color list for Civ3.

                          If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....


                          • #28
                            I don't like to make England Orange, that whole Northern Ireland, Orangeman thing puts me off. Seems slightly offensive and inappropriate.

                            The Dutch should be Orange, but they aren't in the game.....

                            Romans - surely they should be Imperial Purple??? The colour of the Emperor??


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by elfstorm
                              Romans - surely they should be Imperial Purple??? The colour of the Emperor??

