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Poll... what about MP
to aahz_capone
Originally posted by aahz_capone
I could wait for a few months for MP.......... but so that it's just as "great as the rest of the game"?!?! EXCUSE ME?!! It's had better be A LOT better then the rest of the game.I don't conquer -
I obliterate
After playing the game for a few months, I think the game as we have it is unworkable for MP. Strategic resources throw play balance way off. In the SP game you can eventually get what you need from the AI. In an MP game there is no way I am going to trade away the means of my own destruction. If your Persian and I have the only iron on our shared continent. Good luck until you get gunpowder cause my swordsmen and knights are gonna be feasting on your spearmen and horsemen. And even then you'll have to have saltpeter. Sorry guys, this game does not translate well to MP, and that is why it wasn't shipped with MP.
If they can either make the strategic resources more fairly distributed, or have manditory AI civs to make trading posible. Then the game has MP potential. And of course, true stacked movement would help cut down turn time."The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo
If they can either make the strategic resources more fairly distributed, or have manditory AI civs to make trading posible.
WHAT ABOUT MP?!), but like Spectator I'd rather wait to get great MP. Plus SP is fun playing with Korn's Blitz Mod...no other way to play Civ3.
However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.
I'd like a good MP, but I wouldn't mind waiting a year for this (remember how long we waited for Civ2MP). I would really prefer a complete scenario support with events and scripting before this. Having completely tweakable rules would also be fine in the first time (I'm satisfied with the rules editor, but there are ways to do more)"I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
"I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
"I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis
Originally posted by Skanky Burns
I don't care about MP either. You will probably find that most people left in this forum don't care either, as the people who do want MP don't view these forums often.
Many of the hardcore MP'ers do view these forums... we are all desperately waiting (and will wait longer if it means a better game) for MP... because as with most games... the AI sucks, and the only way it can win is to "cheat"...
It will be a much better game playing real humans, who have to play the same rules you doAnd it really is more fun beating another human...
As many have claimed, it is now a very predictable game... it leads you down the same path, over and over again... We are hoping that human opponents will change that...Keep on Civin'
RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O
Now you've gone and done it, Skanky! (Didn't you read the signs? "Please don't do anything to rouse the rabid 'hardcore MP'ers'.")
On topic: I voted for 'don't care if it never comes out.' The thing I have always loved about Civ is playing it when and where I feel like it--not being dependent on whether I could pull together enough players to field a decent game, or wondering whether those players are still crazy enough to be up at whatever-odd hour of the morning. I enjoy long, drawn-out games with 16 civs on a huge map, and I can't begin to imagine how frustrating it would be trying to get through one of those in a MP-situation.
Like DATarbell refered to, I would dread playing Civ3 over multiplayer, just cuz of the length of one game. First of all, it would be difficult to find a good ammount of other guys who would be dedicated to that many hours of one game.
Second, if we can't finnish it in one session, i highly doubt the odds of a second session, soon enough for the first one to still be in memory.
the only way i see civ3 MP being highly succesful, either 1: a dozen guys set up a network in a garage, and dedicate a weekend-to-a-week.
What i WOULD love to see is organized civ3 tournaments, ala massive chess tournaments. Get a turnout of a thousand folk a year, at... some city, i dunno, rotate the city every year..., put them into 62 games of 16 civs, winners play a final four of 16 civs each... winners of the final four play a final duel on a small map... i dunno, just a pipe dream i guess. Wouldn't it be awesome tho? Charge a profitable fee from all entered participants, and give a prize to whoever is the king of civ3 every year. Probably be too expensive tho, i dunnoResident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.
Originally posted by DATarbell
Now you've gone and done it, Skanky! (Didn't you read the signs? "Please don't do anything to rouse the rabid 'hardcore MP'ers'.")
Ming: I didn't quite manage to get my point across before. (It was late when I wrote that)
What I meant was, the ratio of MP to SP who regularly view the Civ3 forums would be lower now than, say, when Civ 3 was first released...
Wasn't saying that no-one was looking forward to MP...
Actually, I wouldn't mind playing a game or two of MP Civ 3... although I'm not as good as many others.I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).