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I'm back, and I'm angrier than ever before.

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  • #16
    First... LET'S CHILL PEOPLE!

    Originally posted by Zylka
    Back in the day, multiplayer was rumored for release in March, now they have no plans whatsoever?!
    Since you haven't been around in a while, you may have missed that Firaxis made an announcement asking for people to volunteer to do play testing for MP...

    This tells me that they are interested in making sure the job is done right... that they aren't rushing it... and that they are still commited to MP.

    Frankly, I could care less how long it takes... because I want a MP game that we can play the day we buy it...
    Keep on Civin'
    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #17
      Originally posted by Zylka
      Spectator, you're a real moron. When multiplayer does come out, I'll be sure to cave your head in first.

      and wtf??? Back in the day, multiplayer was rumored for release in March, now they have no plans whatsoever?! We don't even have a bloody cheat option to play shltty PBEM games.

      Yet maybe I should just have a cigarette. Or get laid. Honestly, however stupid a post can be, you just topped it

      But I thought you WERE getting laid? With you avatar and your locations statement, it was very clear to me that you are a sexually experienced man of the world. All players talk like that. It's like, the more sex you've had, the more you have to flaunt it for the world, right?


      • #18
        Zylka, try asking a question instead of trying to infect the rest of us with your anger. Firaxis is HIRING people to playtest MP, a pretty good sign it will get here eventually. The editor is much better, if still buggy. The development of full-blown scenarios is still not possible, but the main Civ III site has opened a link seeking gamer input on that subject. Yes, the game was released too early. No, Firaxis is not done. But the only way you got "cheated," if you did, was if you bought the deluxe version looking for the designer notes. No notes, no apology, no makeup. So, ease up. Your chance is coming to prove you are as good as you think you are.
        No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
        "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


        • #19
          That's IT! Listen up Soren Johnson and Dan Maghda (or whatever). I want MP, and I want it NOW! So unless you stop whatever you're doing and have it done and on my computer within the next 10 minutes, there will be some serious reprecussions!


          • #20
            Originally posted by Spectator

            I rest my case.

            And PLEASE put me on your ignore list cuz you wont want to read my comments on your stupid opinions and your misplaced anger cuz you'll just die of a heart attack now.....very very sad indeed.

            pudSPECk, that really was the straw that broke the camel's back

            tyb8o8ibnu89ob68b 896o8uibn778985678vb 4r785t689856

            ^See? I am so angry right now, that I just began banging my forehead against the keyboard without warning. I am truly blinded by rage!! No seriously, everything has become hazy and saturated in a red hue! Help, what's going on with my vision

            Oh saints preserve us, please help me!!!


            • #21
              Originally posted by Zylka
              That's IT! Listen up Soren Johnson and Dan Maghda (or whatever). I want MP, and I want it NOW! So unless you stop whatever you're doing and have it done and on my computer within the next 10 minutes, there will be some serious reprecussions!

              You silly silly boy, what are you gonna do?! Call your mom and tell her? Or maybe stay angry and waste your time yelling with a keyboard? Ouuuuuuuuuu!! Please!! We can't take no more!!
              Who do you think you are man? Why dont you create an MP if your so impatient. Plus, did you sign a contract on which it says that FIRAXIS HAS to give you a MP today?
              Seriously, ppl who'll read your post will just laugh their ass of cuz you are just to much of an ass. Please, read back what you wrote and tell me if you think there's something wrong here.....

              FIRAXIS, give us a MP someday, but dont rush it for idiots like Zylka, make sure it's perfect when it gets out. And I apologize on behalf of that DiC.

              Seriously Zylka, do you have a degree on being an ass?

              -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Zylka

                pudSPECk, that really was the straw that broke the camel's back

                tyb8o8ibnu89ob68b 896o8uibn778985678vb 4r785t689856

                ^See? I am so angry right now, that I just began banging my forehead against the keyboard without warning. I am truly blinded by rage!! No seriously, everything has become hazy and saturated in a red hue! Help, what's going on with my vision

                Oh saints preserve us, please help me!!!
                So very very sad.....
                -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


                • #23
                  This is the best flame war I have seen in a while.
                  I like CIV 3's corruption, combat system, cultural assimilation and AI.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Zouave
                    This is the best flame war I have seen in a while.
                    I'm enjoying that one very much!
                    This is tooooo easy!
                    -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


                    • #25
                      Well, at least he's got some tits... I'll treat it like any other chick...

                      what? huh? you were saying something???
                      "You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Spectator

                        I'm enjoying that one very much!
                        This is tooooo easy!
                        Dude. You're a complete f*cking moron if you think my above posts were serious.

                        Seriously, get an education. Although I'm glad that I made a moron feel witty for a fleeting moment. How's it feel flaming something that's non existent?


                        • #27
                          speaking of sex and titles, lok how cool my title is, i havnt gotten laid in 17yrs

                          and goto the link in my sing and post there, we like arseholes (this goes to everyone).
                          eimi men anthropos pollon logon, mikras de sophias


                          • #28
                            Hey Zylka,
                            Just forget it buddy - you can't win here against these guys, I play multiplayer every weekend against my mates and no it's not Civ3.But it is good and it really is multiplayer and some folks are too blind(St**pid) to give it a go.
                            And I did understand that you were 'acting' to make a point.
                            By the way you don't scare me - my Father has a real bad temper
                            'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

                            Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


                            • #29
                              is that what the beta testers will be testing? civ3 MP? anyone know if not that, what they would be testing?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Ming

                                Frankly, I could care less how long it takes... because I want a MP game that we can play the day we buy it...
                                You mean it's not going to come in a free, downloadable patch?
                                In een hoerekotje aan den overkant emmekik mijn bloem verloren,
                                In een hoerekotje aan den overkant bennekik mijn bloemeke kwijt

