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Solutions for AI ICS? Anyone?

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  • Solutions for AI ICS? Anyone?

    I'd like to find a solution for the AI ICS, since this one of those things that really annoys me in Civ3.

    A possible solution I've heard is to change the settler unit into a wheeled unit in the editor, but that gives civs in a starting position with many jungles and/or mountains a huge disadvantage (thus unbalancing the game).

    Another solution might be to give poor terrain types (like tundra and desert) a zero food value in the editor. But the problem with that is that the AI settles those terrains anyway, only to loose the city the next turn, thus spilling many shields and food.

    So... does anyone have a better idea?

  • #2
    well one way several people came up with was to create "no-color" units that are buildable by each civ. Basically like a barbarian you can control. Attacking with them does not start a war.

    Use them to play whack a settler as they trudge across your land.

    It does cause some hatred by the other civ, but no war comes of it at least not directly...

    Plus as a bonus you get free workers when you capture the settler. Comes in handy!


    • #3
      Well you could also increase the shield and/or population costs of a Settler unit.

      One thing I've done that's working quite well is increasing the citizen's food requirements, and increasing my irrigation bonuses. Doing that, a Grassland city with no bonus resources can only grow to size 2 without irrigation, and so can't build a Settler. Plus it forces the AI to produce more Workers early on instead of Settlers. You'll have to make some compensations with your mining/gold bonuses though.
      Last edited by Willem; February 27, 2002, 13:59.


      • #4
        IMO, the best solution available with the current editor is to increase the settler's pop cost to 3 and its shield cost to 50. This is adopted in korn's blitz mod.

        I'm hoping that a future version of the editor allows to tweak the food box size of the different city levels.
        "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


        • #5
          Originally posted by Willem
          One thing I've done that's working quite well is increasing the citizen's food requirements, and increasing my irrigation bonuses. Doing that, a Grassland city with no bonus resources can only grow to size 2 without irrigation, and so can't build a Settler.
          An interesting idea. Do you have any testing results about the rate of starting locations with bonus ressources and/or flood plains?
          "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


          • #6
            Originally posted by lockstep

            An interesting idea. Do you have any testing results about the rate of starting locations with bonus ressources and/or flood plains?


            • #7
              What I was trying to say is: When you found your first city, how many times does it happen that either a wheat/cattle ressource or flood planes are nearby, so that you can still grow your city to size 3 without irrigating any tile?
              "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


              • #8
                Originally posted by lockstep
                What I was trying to say is: When you found your first city, how many times does it happen that either a wheat/cattle ressource or flood planes are nearby, so that you can still grow your city to size 3 without irrigating any tile?
                That's not an issue since you always have a Worker to start with. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that you have to get rid of the tile restrictions in Despotism to make it work. I've compensenated by reducing the Despotism worker rate to 1, and changing some other areas to make Monarchy a bit better than Despotism. So it just means that you'll have to use your Worker more efficiently in order to grow. I try to get at least 2 tiles irrigated in each new town, though probably 1 would be enough.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Willem
                  you'll have to use your Worker more efficiently in order to grow. I try to get at least 2 tiles irrigated in each new town, though probably 1 would be enough.
                  How about the ability to irrigate without access to freshwater? Does one still need to research Electricity, or did you tweak/drop this feature?
                  "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


                  • #10
                    did anyone read my post about a possible soluttion to ICS human and AI?

                    dome by only being able to found on plains, grassland and hills?
                    eimi men anthropos pollon logon, mikras de sophias


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by lockstep

                      How about the ability to irrigate without access to freshwater? Does one still need to research Electricity, or did you tweak/drop this feature?
                      No, I left that as is. So I'll end up some with some dud cities for awhile. I like it that way, makes it seem more realistic. Not every city in the world is a supercity. I've even tied the ability of building the Aqueduct to the availablity of water, so my landlocked cities won't be able to grow until the Industrial era, when they can build a Pipeline. So far it's working out great. I'm playing a game now where I'm well into the Middle Ages, and there's still tons of room to expand.


                      • #12
                        I've even tied the ability of building the Aqueduct to the availablity of water
                        But if you have got water, you don't need an aqueduct, do you?
                        The difference between industrial society and information society:
                        In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
                        In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Optimizer

                          But if you have got water, you don't need an aqueduct, do you?
                          The only time you don't need an Aqueduct is when your city is built right beside a river or fresh water lake. Any other location needs an improvement in order to get the cities to grow.

