Hi. I'm a Wonder whore. It's been five minutes since I built my last Wonder.
I can't explain it, but I have this DEEP, BURNING NEED to build the Wonders. All of them. Even the ones that don't mean anything. Like the Lighthouse on a huge pangea. Or the Library, right before I score education.
And God help any civ that builds one of MY Wonders. That civ will be IMMEDIATELY and FEROCIOUSLY exterminated! Even if they're twice as big as me!
Will I be ok? Should I seek help?
I can't explain it, but I have this DEEP, BURNING NEED to build the Wonders. All of them. Even the ones that don't mean anything. Like the Lighthouse on a huge pangea. Or the Library, right before I score education.
And God help any civ that builds one of MY Wonders. That civ will be IMMEDIATELY and FEROCIOUSLY exterminated! Even if they're twice as big as me!
Will I be ok? Should I seek help?