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  • #76
    Originally posted by Cairo_East
    How about Imperialism as a government?

    Modifications would be something to the effect of:
    All people with the same nationality as the civ would be made happy.
    War-weariness would affect only non-nationals.
    Productivity bonus.
    Unhappiness factor increased greatly for non-nationals, increasing more over time. A sort of war-weariness even during peacetime.

    This could reflect the former apartheid government of South Africa, territorial governmental structures of colonized states such as Kenya, and the increased economic productivity and wealth of Europe at the time of colonialism.
    I don't think it's a good idea. All western civs (including ancient ones as Greece and Rome) were looking for ways to expand their influence, no matter which government they had.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Fresno

      Our neighbour countries Germany and Belgium have already got a big problem with right-extremism for a long time; for example, they are the biggest party in Antwerp. Here those parties never became very big; now it's different.
      I also think that part of the problem is the European countries just aren't used the idea of foreign nationals living along with the indigenous race. Canada was built on immigration, we've been dealing with multi-ethnic issues right from the beginning of our history, so we've already resolved a lot of the friction that tends to occur with that. The European nations however have always been more or less racially pure, so to speak. So it's a new phenomenom for them, and one they haven't quite adjusted to yet.


      • #78
        No, that's not it. Racism is coming up now, but we used to have much less as in the USA for many years. And we've been an immigration country since the 1960's, so I guess they should be used to it by now.
        I think it has more to do with the world wide lean to the right you already mentioned. A few years ago, all world leaders were social-democrats (except Clinton, but as a democrat he probably was still much better as most republicans). So you could say it was a lean to the left which has changed by now. Now all social-democratic leaders have electoral problems, and conservatives are very keen to take their place.

        This process of politics moving to the right also means right wing extremism is coming up, even in places where they never had it.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Fresno
          No, that's not it. Racism is coming up now, but we used to have much less as in the USA for many years. And we've been an immigration country since the 1960's, so I guess they should be used to it by now.
          I think it has more to do with the world wide lean to the right you already mentioned. A few years ago, all world leaders were social-democrats (except Clinton, but as a democrat he probably was still much better as most republicans). So you could say it was a lean to the left which has changed by now. Now all social-democratic leaders have electoral problems, and conservatives are very keen to take their place.

          This process of politics moving to the right also means right wing extremism is coming up, even in places where they never had it.
          Well it seems to be a problem that most of the industrialized nations are having to deal with I think. There's such a disparity between the have and the have-not nations now, that more and more people are leaving their countries, and using whatever means necessary to get into the more developed nations. The last several years, we've seen a large increase in illegal aliens and people applying for refugee status.

          A couple of years ago, we found 2 boatloads of Chinese who had been smuggled into our waters and were discovered before they had a chance to land. There was over 200 people on board who had paid ridiculuos amounts of money in order to come here. Smuggling aliens has become big business in the black market, I hear stories about it all the time now, some of them rather gruesome. And as long as the third world nations have to struggle with their poverty, there's going to be lots of people who are willing to pay everything they have for the opportunity of a better life.


          • #80
            You're absolutely right. That's why NGO's and leftist parties have to continue with their third world aid. It's just so dissapointing to see they've accomplished so little during al the years they already exist.


            • #81
              I suggest Theocracy and Philosophical Anarchy
              for new goverments.
              My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


              • #82
                Fresno, what do you think of these new govs for civ3?

                Fascism: Lijst Fortuyn
                Stupiditiesm: Groen Rechts
                Impossiblism: Coalitie CP86/SGP/SP

