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Patch 1.17 not available currently?

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  • Patch 1.17 not available currently?

    Yes, the dl from doesn´t work since yesterday, is there a special reason? Serious problems with the patch?
    It would be nice if a Firaxian could give official info about this...

  • #2
    I can't play or even work with the editor since I installed the patch so my guess is I'm not the only one with problems, and they removed it.
    MonsterMan's Mod:


    • #3
      Yes, I know about problems here and there, I just think Firaxis should clarify the situation...


      • #4
        They've possibly removed it until they put up a new one with the right editor included.

        That patch is still DL'able though from:

        The right editor is here:
        Every positive value has it's price in negative terms - the genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.
        ---Pablo Picasso.


        • #5
          I know, I already have the patch, and the improved editor

          But there is currently a bit confusion in the German community, some say the patch was removed from due to serious bugs. They say currently it is not recommended to install the patch v1.17. I simply want a clarification if this is also the official postion of Firaxis (in this case, it would be strange that the patch is still available via


          • #6
            Originally posted by BeBro
            Some say the patch was removed from due to serious bugs.
            Hi Bernd, I know you are referring to me.

            I didn't say it was removed BECAUSE of bugs, I stated that it was removed by Infogrames from their server (FACT) and >assumed< the reason was, that some people found the patch very problematic regarding some aspects (at least that is the best explanation to me). So i recommended to everybody with a good game running not to install the patch until we get the "final" patch 1.17...
            Last edited by ColdFever; February 16, 2002, 17:34.
            Kai · Team


            • #7
              I continued a game with 1.17 and haven't had any SERIOUS problems with it (knock on wood).

              Indeed, it would have been appropriate if Firaxis Dan had put a note on the main and patches pages that the update had been temporarily withdrawn.


              • #8
                I am glad I learned my lesson after patch 1.16. I downloaded that 'broken' patch because I got to it before they realized they posted the wrong one.

                One time I can forgive... people make mistakes... but doing the same thing 2 times makes me lose a little faith.

                So is there any correct patch out right now? I have been debating wherther to reinstall Civ3 and try it again with these changes, but all that I read causes me to think otherwise.



                • #9
                  Well yes, FMK, the mistake with the wrong editor was annoying. However, I just played the first game under 1.17 (dled it after the editor thing was solved - don´t know if the patch is a "modified" v 1.17). All works fine so far...

                  I have not tested the improved editor yet, I hope it runs fine too...

                  If only Firaxis would tell us the reason for the download problem at


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BeBro
                    I have not tested the improved editor yet, I hope it runs fine too...
                    The patch is not improved. It is an earlier version then the one the included with the editor (that the game won't recognize)
                    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                    • #11
                      The patch on is the correct one. We sent the correct v1.17f patch to Infogrames on Friday (basically corrected the mistake with the wrong version of the editor) and they were going to swap the new 1.17 in. By the looks of it, someone deleted the old one but never checked to see that the new one was in place.

                      Unfortunately I can't update from home so there isn't anything I can do until I get back to work on Tuesday.

                      Dan Magaha
                      Firaxis Games, Inc.


                      • #12
                        Thanks for this info, Dan.


                        • #13
                          For the lazy....

                          I hope it's cool with the mods here that I post this link.


                          As Dan said, the CORRECT version of the editor is included with the patch available at
                          ...gonna shoot me some lobster-backs


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS
                            The patch on is the correct one.
                            Thanks Dan, it is really good no have you around.

                            Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS
                            Unfortunately I can't update from home
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                            Kai · Team


                            • #15
                              Once again, some stellar QA! Thanks for giving us so much to talk about Jeff!
                              I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                              "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.

