OK. Apparently the game of development is still afoot. Maybe.
So a lot of people have great ideas for a much improved (but still simple) air and naval system. So, what should be done by Firaxis? What can be done by modders? What can Firaxis do to enable modders? The intention of this thread is to collect those ideas as they can be found and put them all in one place. Easy for Firaxis, easy for modders.
It might also keep us naval (and air) fans and buffs out of the way of the rest of the forum. Better feelings all around. If they think it's just fine the way it is, they can ignore this thread. If you think it could be better, worse, or just different this is the place. Peace.
Some of you will have to forgive me. I have never started a thread like this. I think I'm supposed to update this first post periodically to incorporate the general consensus. Is that right? Well, if I get it wrong, just point me in the right direction (even if it's to the door).
Oh yeah, one last thought. I picked general for the thread, well, just because. If it is inappropriate, the Mod's (forum gods that is) can move it. I'll track it down.
So. For opening suggestions, here goes.
* Ship movement should be greatly increased. It just takes too long for those big, expensive BBs and CVs to get anywhere. But how fast? Can these values be auto-scaled to map size?
* Air ranges should be increased. This would help offset the increases in naval speed. It would not be too traumatic to the land game, considering the defense ratings of terrain improvements, pop, and buildings have all increased in successive patches.
* Air should be allowed to sink ships.
* Modern war ships (DD and newer, and maybe Transports) should have AA values. Actually, all units could be allowed AA in the editor, but only modern war ships have it in the *standard* bic
* Fighters on CVs should be allowed almost auto intercept abilities vs air attacking ANY ship in its square. Even if the CV moved or the Fighters executed missions during their own turns.
* Air meant for land based ops (level Bombers) would have to be given a massive penalty in attacking shipping.
* There would be naval air units that would be effective against ships, but have no more than Fighter abilities on land. You could have just 1, the Strike Fighter, basically a fighter-bomber suited to attacks on shipping. I don't know if there is a need for Torpedo and Dive bombers.
* The land based air vs naval air effectiveness might be best accomplished by a new bombardment value (vs ships). Leaving the old bombardment value for land ops.
* Bombard units with naval bombard value should also have a switch that allows that bombard to sink ships or not. For instance, Artillery has a small naval bombard value, but is not allowed to sink ships. Naval strike aircraft have a high naval bombard value and are allowed to sink ships, etc.
* Some air units need to be prohibited from landing on Carriers (like Bombers).
* ASW. Naawww. I'll leave that to others who have thought it out better.
Over to you
So a lot of people have great ideas for a much improved (but still simple) air and naval system. So, what should be done by Firaxis? What can be done by modders? What can Firaxis do to enable modders? The intention of this thread is to collect those ideas as they can be found and put them all in one place. Easy for Firaxis, easy for modders.
It might also keep us naval (and air) fans and buffs out of the way of the rest of the forum. Better feelings all around. If they think it's just fine the way it is, they can ignore this thread. If you think it could be better, worse, or just different this is the place. Peace.
Some of you will have to forgive me. I have never started a thread like this. I think I'm supposed to update this first post periodically to incorporate the general consensus. Is that right? Well, if I get it wrong, just point me in the right direction (even if it's to the door).
Oh yeah, one last thought. I picked general for the thread, well, just because. If it is inappropriate, the Mod's (forum gods that is) can move it. I'll track it down.
So. For opening suggestions, here goes.
* Ship movement should be greatly increased. It just takes too long for those big, expensive BBs and CVs to get anywhere. But how fast? Can these values be auto-scaled to map size?
* Air ranges should be increased. This would help offset the increases in naval speed. It would not be too traumatic to the land game, considering the defense ratings of terrain improvements, pop, and buildings have all increased in successive patches.
* Air should be allowed to sink ships.
* Modern war ships (DD and newer, and maybe Transports) should have AA values. Actually, all units could be allowed AA in the editor, but only modern war ships have it in the *standard* bic
* Fighters on CVs should be allowed almost auto intercept abilities vs air attacking ANY ship in its square. Even if the CV moved or the Fighters executed missions during their own turns.
* Air meant for land based ops (level Bombers) would have to be given a massive penalty in attacking shipping.
* There would be naval air units that would be effective against ships, but have no more than Fighter abilities on land. You could have just 1, the Strike Fighter, basically a fighter-bomber suited to attacks on shipping. I don't know if there is a need for Torpedo and Dive bombers.
* The land based air vs naval air effectiveness might be best accomplished by a new bombardment value (vs ships). Leaving the old bombardment value for land ops.
* Bombard units with naval bombard value should also have a switch that allows that bombard to sink ships or not. For instance, Artillery has a small naval bombard value, but is not allowed to sink ships. Naval strike aircraft have a high naval bombard value and are allowed to sink ships, etc.
* Some air units need to be prohibited from landing on Carriers (like Bombers).
* ASW. Naawww. I'll leave that to others who have thought it out better.
Over to you