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Ideas for v1.18f?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by yin26

    My love for the Apolyton community knows no bounds. I'm here 'til Friday: Try the veal!
    Are you taking requests?
    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Dravar
      Kill the Domestic Nag.
      Oi!! You stole my line!!
      I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


      • #18
        Jeez, Willem, can´t we wait until we´ve reviewed the 1.17f before we start making wish lists for a 1.18?
        I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


        • #19
          1) Civil disorder popup before a city goes into disorder, instead of after.

          2) City governors that do what they're told. When told to maximize food, city governors should assign workers to use all grassland before they start to use hills or forests.


          • #20
            Originally posted by jimmytrick
            Things I would like to see:

            1. designated defenders

            5. spy units please, the spy options in the game simply aren't to good

            6. leaders of various sorts...these should be randomly spawned (in the ancient times think of these as specific groups such as a royal family or religious sect) and should die out...while alive they should be able to give certain types of bonuses...military, shield production, culture, happiness, less gold coruption, higher wonder improvement, ... these leaders might be subject to being assainated, discredited, bribed or kidnapped by said aforemention spies...etc..

            7. a fully functional editor would be nice..
            Some great points...

            But what exactly do you mean with 1.- "designated defenders"

            To 5: I´d like to see a special ops unit that could attack/defend normally, but also do some spy missions (e.g. sabotage, investigate city, steal tech etc.)

            6/7 -


            • #21
              Originally posted by jimmytrick
              14. no more of these stupid right of passage agreements..
              I Disagree. RoP Aggreements make this game more realistic and add a twist to diplomatic games. I would prefer it though if the AI was more relectant to give them to other AI civs. Whenever I play, it seems like all of the AI players have RoP, but I gotta pay heavily for it.

              [SIZE=1] 19. better nukes
              Hear Hear! I think tacticul nukes work well (ala hiroshima, nagasaki sized weapons), but I think tht ICBM should behave like the nukes in SMAC (planetbustrs, i think they are called - been awhile since i played SMAC though). Drop an ICBM on a city, and it's gone and you don't send units there for the next 50 turns or they die.

              [SIZE=1] 20 a different way to implement polution...we are all tired of moving workers around to clean it up..
              As much as pollution sucks, i think that is exactly the point: it sucks. It is the result of not managing your cities production levels. If they make it easier to deal with, they might as well take it out.

              23. for strategic goods like coal...collect them one per turn per tile of resource...and make the civ build storage facilities (say allow five free per city beyond which a civ has to build depots that could be captured or destroyed) and use them when building units that require them..
              I think Civ3 already impliments this to small degree, seeing as it allows you to finish building units that require the resource, even after the resource is removed. I like this idea better though, as it is much more realistic. It would be better to have resources stored like gold is, although then it might start to resemble Starcraft (now hving the Protoss in Civ 3 would be interesting - Calvary vs Archon)
              "Government isn't the solution to our problems; Government IS the problem." - Ronald Reagan

              No, I don't have Civ4 yet...


              • #22
                Well, since stacked movement is implentet the way I like to see it (Let's just hope it works then ) there's actually just one thing I'd really like to see changed (ok, there might be some minor things, but of the big annoying things) is the diplomacy. The AI should be better at diplomacy (instead of calling my civ a puny civ, when I'm 10 times the size of their civ), but also a diplomacy where more can talk and make peace between all those civs.

                Just my few cents...

                P.S. That is a great patch, can't wait to try out the stacked movement
                This space is empty... or is it?


                • #23
                  jt, good ideas. Sounds a little more like Civ4 than a patch though.
                  Sorry....nothing to say!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by fezick31
                    As much as pollution sucks, i think that is exactly the point: it sucks. It is the result of not managing your cities production levels. If they make it easier to deal with, they might as well take it out.
                    If pollution reduces food/commerce/production by X amount and the interface requires twenty mouseclicks to manage it, how is that better than pollution reducing food/commerce/production by X amount and the interface requiring one mouseclick to manage it?

                    A different interface would still "suck" just as much in terms of reducing the efficiency of your cities -- but it wouldn't "suck" all the pleasure out of playing the end-game, as it does now.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Kamrat X
                      Jeez, Willem, can´t we wait until we´ve reviewed the 1.17f before we start making wish lists for a 1.18?
                      Well I had that idea about the colonies pop up in my head, so I figured why not get the ball rolling. Besides, we can all see what's in the new patch with the readme file, so why not discuss some things that aren't listed?

                      Another thing on my wishlist:

                      I'd like the Ctrl-I command changed so that it works more like the Ctrl-R one. If I have a city that's waay, waay far away from water, I'd like to be able tell my worker exactly where to irrigate to. Sometimes the nearest city isn't the one I want to bring the irrigation to, in which case I have to do it manually, one square at a time.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by ChrisShaffer

                        If pollution reduces food/commerce/production by X amount and the interface requires twenty mouseclicks to manage it, how is that better than pollution reducing food/commerce/production by X amount and the interface requiring one mouseclick to manage it?

                        A different interface would still "suck" just as much in terms of reducing the efficiency of your cities -- but it wouldn't "suck" all the pleasure out of playing the end-game, as it does now.
                        You arguing over nothing here. Quite obviously some changes will be in store regarding pollution in the new patch. So why not wait and see how they work before complaining?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by ADG
                          Well, since stacked movement is implentet the way I like to see it (Let's just hope it works then ) there's actually just one thing I'd really like to see changed (ok, there might be some minor things, but of the big annoying things) is the diplomacy. The AI should be better at diplomacy (instead of calling my civ a puny civ, when I'm 10 times the size of their civ), but also a diplomacy where more can talk and make peace between all those civs.

                          Just my few cents...

                          P.S. That is a great patch, can't wait to try out the stacked movement
                          I agree, more diplomacy options. I'd really like to have the oppurtunity of acting as a third party, like in SMAC, so I can try to stop a war diplomatically before my MPP partner drags me into one. As well, if a civ won't see my envoy, I'd like to get another civ to negotiate on my behalf. These things have been going on since the dawn of civilization, so it should be included in the game as well.


                          • #28
                            Good lord. He's not complaining, Willem. Are you complaining about 1.17 just because you're speculating about 1.18? Jeesh. Maybe your side is so sensitive, and licking your wounds over the critics getting most everything we asked for, that you see conflict where none exists.
                            "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Willem

                              Well I had that idea about the colonies pop up in my head, so I figured why not get the ball rolling. Besides, we can all see what's in the new patch with the readme file, so why not discuss some things that aren't listed?
                              OK, fair enough The colony idea IS a good one
                              I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by BeBro

                                But what exactly do you mean with 1.- "designated defenders"
                                This was a feature in SMAC. You could designate a unit as a defender so that in the event of a battle, it would be the first to be attacked, rather than letting the game decide which of several units would be first.

