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Stealing tech bug - it's a new bug ?

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  • Stealing tech bug - it's a new bug ?

    I tried to find if someone has found this bug already but forum was so laggy for me that i didnt look very far back, atleast search didnt found similar bugs.

    This bug activated when i tried to steal Gunpowder from the Japanese using my embassy in Tournament6 game.

    I had the Great Library and it was still valid, none had researched Education yet.

    Strange thing is that nobody else but the Japanese had the Gunpowder tech before i used my embassy to steal tech.

    Immediately after i paid the gold necessary to steal tech and advisor told that stealing tech from Japan was a success and the tech selection screen prompted up - the Great Library gives me the Gunpowder and theres nothing to select in the tech stealing screen and i cant close it because advisor nags about me having to choose a tech to steal first... well alt+tab and Paint Shop Pro open & few screenshots of the bug for you:
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  • #2
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    • #3
      Sorry for large jpgs but i felt it was only way to explain this bug easily.

      As you see i cant close the screen and only solution is to shut down civ3 wint ctrl-alt-delete
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