What i have noticed is that all my Civ3 games follow a very similar trend and that is:
1. Build up cities with improvements and culture whilst keeping friends and trading with other civs.
2. Reach mid to late industrial period and run out of city improvements to build...
3. Build military as that's all there is to build.
4. Go to war in the Cavalry, Infantry, Tanks, Modern Ships period.
That always seems to be the way the games seem to work out! Going to war earlier means that the building of useful cultural city improvements suffers, i.e. like Universities, Police Stations, Banks, Wonders, Factories, etc.
What i have realised, is there is a significant lack of depth in the modern era! In the modern era, the main things that new tech brings are new and improved units and other mechanisms of conducting warfare. Also the spaceship comes into the equation a little on the early side, meaning that recycling centres, offshore platforms and the two wonders under Genetics aren't really worthwhile investments. Instead they just waste time.
Now, if i am not at war, my top cities have nothing to build because they have built all the improvements. Instead they just end up building units because there is essentially nothing left to build OR i set them onto wealth. Hence my point is that by this stage the best thing to do is just fight, fight, fight.
SO, how can the modern era be improved?
Here are my thoughts:
1. Expand the modern era making it larger with more tech advances.
2. Bring back improvements like stock-exchange, farmland, superhighways and SDI defence...
3. Make SAM batteries and Coastal Fortresses more useful by making the AI bombard cities as opposed to always bombarding land improvements, which are easily mopped up by workers.
4. Push back the timescale of the game beyond 2050 and make the spaceship parts arrive later.
5. Make aircraft able to destroy naval ships, thereby creating a need to replace a destroyed navy. At the moment once you build a navy that has got control of the seasthere isn't anything that can destroy it other than other ships or cruise missiles.
What ya reckon?
1. Build up cities with improvements and culture whilst keeping friends and trading with other civs.
2. Reach mid to late industrial period and run out of city improvements to build...
3. Build military as that's all there is to build.
4. Go to war in the Cavalry, Infantry, Tanks, Modern Ships period.
That always seems to be the way the games seem to work out! Going to war earlier means that the building of useful cultural city improvements suffers, i.e. like Universities, Police Stations, Banks, Wonders, Factories, etc.
What i have realised, is there is a significant lack of depth in the modern era! In the modern era, the main things that new tech brings are new and improved units and other mechanisms of conducting warfare. Also the spaceship comes into the equation a little on the early side, meaning that recycling centres, offshore platforms and the two wonders under Genetics aren't really worthwhile investments. Instead they just waste time.
Now, if i am not at war, my top cities have nothing to build because they have built all the improvements. Instead they just end up building units because there is essentially nothing left to build OR i set them onto wealth. Hence my point is that by this stage the best thing to do is just fight, fight, fight.
SO, how can the modern era be improved?
Here are my thoughts:
1. Expand the modern era making it larger with more tech advances.
2. Bring back improvements like stock-exchange, farmland, superhighways and SDI defence...
3. Make SAM batteries and Coastal Fortresses more useful by making the AI bombard cities as opposed to always bombarding land improvements, which are easily mopped up by workers.
4. Push back the timescale of the game beyond 2050 and make the spaceship parts arrive later.
5. Make aircraft able to destroy naval ships, thereby creating a need to replace a destroyed navy. At the moment once you build a navy that has got control of the seasthere isn't anything that can destroy it other than other ships or cruise missiles.
What ya reckon?
