Consider that reviewers might not have enough time to competently evaluate a game as complex as Civ3. (The game's shortcomings don't become apparent until the modern age, which, as I recall, Firaxis itself never play-tested.) Consider also that they might have fiduciary conflicts in bashing their sponsors.
You can check out the reviews of actual players at Amazon. Here's an excerpt from one of them:
You can check out the reviews of actual players at Amazon. Here's an excerpt from one of them:
On the technical side of the game, the interface is unintuitive and generally ugly. Menus are in strange places, and your advisor screens are nearly impossible to get useful information from. The graphics are a warmed over version of the Civilization II game, and the sound and music are embarrassingly poor quality. Response time is a major issue, with late game enemy turns taking 30 seconds to 1 minute per enemy. Start up time for the game itself is good, and I have not experienced any crashes with this game (patched version 1.16f). Also, the game manual is large, but uninformative, and index and table of contents are almost useless in aiding you in your search for some obscure game quirk.