Oh, you could make time. I have essentially two jobs (work weekends, almost every weekend), am married and have a 3 year old. Where do I find the time? 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. are my prime hours. 5 hours sleep is enough, I think, with periodic holidays used to try to sleep in.
Yes, and it runs close to 1 game a week. Like I say, a *vast* majority of those don't play for more than a day or two. I blast through a pile of titles to find the few gems. Disciples 2, however, seems to have potential as it will last more than two weeks for certain.
Yes, and it runs close to 1 game a week. Like I say, a *vast* majority of those don't play for more than a day or two. I blast through a pile of titles to find the few gems. Disciples 2, however, seems to have potential as it will last more than two weeks for certain.