I am playing v1.16f on a huge world with 12 starting civs. (system: 500MHz PIII, 384MB Ram.)
Larger worlds can have more AI's; more AI's meen it is possible to be at war with a larger number simultaneously.
Each separate war seems to cause its own quota of war warriness if the gamer has a Democratic or Republic gov.
So if you are attacked by distant AI civs you're government will be forced to regress to Monarchy or Communism, and no amount of luxeries/or luxury setting can prevent a plague of unhappy citizens.
If this was a response to a democracy attempting aggressive war, it would be fully justified in gaming terms. But a democracy falling beause it is attacked, and wins every battle??
let me pick a colorful historical example:
Pearl Harbour: Japan attacks US fleet: US Democracy unites against external agression and fights a victorious total war against Japan.
Now at what stage during this war did the US cities start to burn down in Riots?? At what stage did a workers insurrrection occur? What year did America invite the King of England back to run her war for her?
Can we have this error corrected in a future patch please.
Perhaps a sensible restriction of Democracies would be to ban them from raising cities to the ground.
Again, first use of Nuclear weapons should cause unhappiness in the home cites. But if the AI starts a nuclear war, then the gamer should be allowed full and total freedom in nuclear targeting, if he/she is just retaliating.
The alternative is to allow a Democarcy/Republic to switch to a Facist government (As Republic but with 3 Mil units as Military police, 30% science penalty, full mobilisation restrctions [no civilian improvments], all moral restrictions removed, perhaps with a special 8 turn time penalty to change back to Democracy.
With Facism, it the science penalty could grow with time, as long term restrictions on freedom of expression will allways slow science down. It would also discourage use of Facism except as a last resort.
All of the above is just IMHO of course :-)
Larger worlds can have more AI's; more AI's meen it is possible to be at war with a larger number simultaneously.
Each separate war seems to cause its own quota of war warriness if the gamer has a Democratic or Republic gov.
So if you are attacked by distant AI civs you're government will be forced to regress to Monarchy or Communism, and no amount of luxeries/or luxury setting can prevent a plague of unhappy citizens.
If this was a response to a democracy attempting aggressive war, it would be fully justified in gaming terms. But a democracy falling beause it is attacked, and wins every battle??
let me pick a colorful historical example:
Pearl Harbour: Japan attacks US fleet: US Democracy unites against external agression and fights a victorious total war against Japan.
Now at what stage during this war did the US cities start to burn down in Riots?? At what stage did a workers insurrrection occur? What year did America invite the King of England back to run her war for her?
Can we have this error corrected in a future patch please.
Perhaps a sensible restriction of Democracies would be to ban them from raising cities to the ground.
Again, first use of Nuclear weapons should cause unhappiness in the home cites. But if the AI starts a nuclear war, then the gamer should be allowed full and total freedom in nuclear targeting, if he/she is just retaliating.
The alternative is to allow a Democarcy/Republic to switch to a Facist government (As Republic but with 3 Mil units as Military police, 30% science penalty, full mobilisation restrctions [no civilian improvments], all moral restrictions removed, perhaps with a special 8 turn time penalty to change back to Democracy.
With Facism, it the science penalty could grow with time, as long term restrictions on freedom of expression will allways slow science down. It would also discourage use of Facism except as a last resort.
All of the above is just IMHO of course :-)