Encomium - I think you missed my point - I do not believe that it is possible to be historical. That is the reason for my suggestion. And I would prefer to enjoy the game rather than have a perfect simulation.
Your suggestion of a loss of gold when a submarine is on or near a "trade route" is an intelligent extension of Tingkai's original suggestion and has merit worth considering.'
I have previously commented on the visibility of submarines (but perhaps not on this thread) and agree with you on that score.
I am still not sold on your trade route idea though. Some rules would need to be made to determine when a land trade route is too long and would be better served by a sea route. What cities trade between each other? If the trade is between civs will both civs be penalised? Any more thoughts?
Encomium - I think you missed my point - I do not believe that it is possible to be historical. That is the reason for my suggestion. And I would prefer to enjoy the game rather than have a perfect simulation.
Your suggestion of a loss of gold when a submarine is on or near a "trade route" is an intelligent extension of Tingkai's original suggestion and has merit worth considering.'
I have previously commented on the visibility of submarines (but perhaps not on this thread) and agree with you on that score.
I am still not sold on your trade route idea though. Some rules would need to be made to determine when a land trade route is too long and would be better served by a sea route. What cities trade between each other? If the trade is between civs will both civs be penalised? Any more thoughts?