Who knows how many more patches will be released before Firaxis and Infogrames finally give up on this product? That's why I think, now, before it's too late, somebody should finally bite the bullet and give us fully modifiable text files that alter the game rules for Civ III. Complete with the ability to add new techs, new units, new improvements and wonders (and governments, which we can already add), and give us the ability to tie them all in with custom user-designed graphics (in standard formats) without crashing the game. Give us the ability to add and edit the Civilopedia entries for everything too.
That's not all I want from Civ III, but it's all I can hope to expect at this point. Either that, or an editor that provides us with these features (but I honestly don't think that's reasonable at this point). And go ahead and throw in as many extra features as you possibly can, things none of us have even thought of yet. I don't know what kind of rabbits you can pull out of your hats, but I know I'll be impressed.
When the final patch comes (and hey, it might be safe to assume every patch you work on is the last patch) I expect these features. If they're implemented, I'll open up Civ III again (which I haven't touched since early November), and I'll work on a very extensive mod. I'll stay up late nights. I'll design and play Civ III extensively. Why? Because I'll have at my disposal all the tools necessary to make the game playable and fun from my point of view. I'll make my dream game piece by piece.
If full customization is never implemented... well, don't expect to sell an expansion pack to me, and I'll just have to try my luck selling my copy of the game on eBay.
(who, by the way, gives full credit to the programming team for taking the advice of the Wonders thread I edited for the List and implementing Small Wonders)
Consider this the first draft of an e-mail I'll be sending to Firaxis soon. I'd like to get some reactions, so maybe I can edit it a little before it goes out.
That's not all I want from Civ III, but it's all I can hope to expect at this point. Either that, or an editor that provides us with these features (but I honestly don't think that's reasonable at this point). And go ahead and throw in as many extra features as you possibly can, things none of us have even thought of yet. I don't know what kind of rabbits you can pull out of your hats, but I know I'll be impressed.
When the final patch comes (and hey, it might be safe to assume every patch you work on is the last patch) I expect these features. If they're implemented, I'll open up Civ III again (which I haven't touched since early November), and I'll work on a very extensive mod. I'll stay up late nights. I'll design and play Civ III extensively. Why? Because I'll have at my disposal all the tools necessary to make the game playable and fun from my point of view. I'll make my dream game piece by piece.
If full customization is never implemented... well, don't expect to sell an expansion pack to me, and I'll just have to try my luck selling my copy of the game on eBay.
(who, by the way, gives full credit to the programming team for taking the advice of the Wonders thread I edited for the List and implementing Small Wonders)
Consider this the first draft of an e-mail I'll be sending to Firaxis soon. I'd like to get some reactions, so maybe I can edit it a little before it goes out.