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Difficulty Levels

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  • Difficulty Levels

    Q. When are the design teams for current TBS games out there going to make difficulty settings like a chess game instead of like some bizarre masochistic excersize?

    Gripe: I am tired of Attacking 2 dot no line spearmen in cities with no walls with 5 dot many line archers and losing. I am also tired of having 5 dot many line Impi fortified in a city with walls and losing to 2 dot no line barbarian cavalry repeatedly. I did ask for difficulty but not suicide. Increase the intelligence of the AI. Don't give the enemy units a combat multiple! I find myself producing multiple defenders and attackers from 4-5 cities to have any chance at all of taking 1 enemy city with two units in it.

    A. ( anticipated ) We cant figure out how to make the AI any smarter than it is so the only way we can have difficulty levels is to multiply everything against the human player including the combat scores of the units.
    Diagonally parked in a parallel universe!

  • #2
    Never had that problem.
    Sorry....nothing to say!


    • #3
      It doesn't affect combat chances for as far as i have noticed.

      Be sure not to attack across rivers, and before attacking check that the city is not build on a hill.

      For building cities yourself goes the same. try to build them at riversides and on hills if possible without giving up on resources.

      I just find the random chances to be a little weird. You can indeed win/lose battles that are almost impossible to happen, but it can happen both in your advantage and disadvantage. Since i don't like luck in games, i don't like this randomness.

