This message is kind of in line with Velociryx post Disenchanted. Much like him I have found myself playing and enjoying Civ III until I am confronted with something in the game that really leaves me thinking, that could have been done sooo much better.
I have played a number of games so far, but have yet to finish a single one. I struggle with the AI from one age to the next and finally to the modern age to find it "tasteless" and tedious. Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love using the tanks and later the advanced tanks and mechanized infantry. However, after that, I have absolutely nothing to look forward to and this is where the modern age weakness comes in.
Ok, I must admit that finally getting to the advanced tanks is quite fun, and I enjoy attacking with them. And if Firaxis left the Modern Age as is, I would continue to enjoy that aspect. However, after I get advanced tanks, I essentially have no units to look forward to. The reason for this: among other things is the failure to capitalize on the power of missiles, nuclear weapons, and air units. As is, these weapons offer no threat to the game.
I can't say I know the solution, but if you will consider.... There are so many unique units available in this era that it is possible to make the modern era feel almost like playing a different game. Due to the overwhelming power and abilities of units in this era there are possibilites for new strategies not used anywhere else in the game. However, many of these abilities and strategies are watered down or left out completely in Civ3.
For now, I'll only look at the negative aspect on units that I consider to be falling short of what they could be.
Let's look at a few units:
Aircraft -
Now these will surely make me rethink defense and attack. If not, they are just gonna be fun to use -- not so. I build a number of F-15's only to have them sit there and do nothing. If I tell them to attack a unit, they never kill the units, so what's the point? Well I can scratch that out as something to look forward to in the game.
Cruise Missles -
Hmm now these ought to be interesting. They can take out units just like that and hit any target you want in a city. I've read on the forums that they are weak in the game though, so let me try a missile on this ironclad. It didn't even detroy it. Well there's another unit that's worthess in this era.
Nuclear Missiles -
I haven't gotten far enough in a game to build any of these units, but from what I've been hearing they sound pretty boring. I guess it's good to try to balance things by making them weak, but, Sigh, it sure is gonna make the nuclear era pretty much same ol' same ol' like the rest of the game.
Random thoughts from other eras that overflow into the modern era.
Armies -
Yeah, I got a leader and I can build an army. I'll put three of my elite calvary into it and this thing will be really powerful.
*Attacks a few Cities...*
Hmm that didn't work out too well. It only killed one unit and look at all the damage it got. I could have killed three units with 3 calvary and gotten less damage. If only I could have attacked three units with the army and if only it had gotten as little damage as 3 separate units.... What's the point of these armies? I'll just take a few units out of the army, I mean it's an army isn't it?, ah... I can't take out any units.. This doesn't seem very fun, it would be so much more fun if armies were useful enough so I could group all my units together. Of course I don't want them to be invincible, but as they are are they are just too weak to be much use to me. Oh well, there goes another good idea.
Artillery -
I remember in Civ2. I loved using those artillery. I'm gonna really take out the enemy with these things. Is that all the damage they do? Well, I guess that's ok. I mean it does balance the game and make war harder and it is kind of realistic I guess. So I guess they're ok.
*Later on...*
Hmm, I think I'll try just an army of calvary. Well this isn't right, these things are killing everybody and I'm hardly losing any. I guess those artillery are pretty worthless after all. At least the calvary don't destroy improvements in a city before I capture it. So, I'm not gonna build any more cannons or artillery in a game. There goes another unit that is worthless for the whole game.
I would like to offer some suggested solutions to these ideas, and I will if this thread is received well. So, what do you think? Have you found the units of the modern era to be same 'ol same 'ol with little changes in the way you play? I know for me it has really contributed to end game "boredom."
I have played a number of games so far, but have yet to finish a single one. I struggle with the AI from one age to the next and finally to the modern age to find it "tasteless" and tedious. Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love using the tanks and later the advanced tanks and mechanized infantry. However, after that, I have absolutely nothing to look forward to and this is where the modern age weakness comes in.
Ok, I must admit that finally getting to the advanced tanks is quite fun, and I enjoy attacking with them. And if Firaxis left the Modern Age as is, I would continue to enjoy that aspect. However, after I get advanced tanks, I essentially have no units to look forward to. The reason for this: among other things is the failure to capitalize on the power of missiles, nuclear weapons, and air units. As is, these weapons offer no threat to the game.
I can't say I know the solution, but if you will consider.... There are so many unique units available in this era that it is possible to make the modern era feel almost like playing a different game. Due to the overwhelming power and abilities of units in this era there are possibilites for new strategies not used anywhere else in the game. However, many of these abilities and strategies are watered down or left out completely in Civ3.
For now, I'll only look at the negative aspect on units that I consider to be falling short of what they could be.
Let's look at a few units:
Aircraft -
Now these will surely make me rethink defense and attack. If not, they are just gonna be fun to use -- not so. I build a number of F-15's only to have them sit there and do nothing. If I tell them to attack a unit, they never kill the units, so what's the point? Well I can scratch that out as something to look forward to in the game.
Cruise Missles -
Hmm now these ought to be interesting. They can take out units just like that and hit any target you want in a city. I've read on the forums that they are weak in the game though, so let me try a missile on this ironclad. It didn't even detroy it. Well there's another unit that's worthess in this era.
Nuclear Missiles -
I haven't gotten far enough in a game to build any of these units, but from what I've been hearing they sound pretty boring. I guess it's good to try to balance things by making them weak, but, Sigh, it sure is gonna make the nuclear era pretty much same ol' same ol' like the rest of the game.
Random thoughts from other eras that overflow into the modern era.
Armies -
Yeah, I got a leader and I can build an army. I'll put three of my elite calvary into it and this thing will be really powerful.
*Attacks a few Cities...*
Hmm that didn't work out too well. It only killed one unit and look at all the damage it got. I could have killed three units with 3 calvary and gotten less damage. If only I could have attacked three units with the army and if only it had gotten as little damage as 3 separate units.... What's the point of these armies? I'll just take a few units out of the army, I mean it's an army isn't it?, ah... I can't take out any units.. This doesn't seem very fun, it would be so much more fun if armies were useful enough so I could group all my units together. Of course I don't want them to be invincible, but as they are are they are just too weak to be much use to me. Oh well, there goes another good idea.
Artillery -
I remember in Civ2. I loved using those artillery. I'm gonna really take out the enemy with these things. Is that all the damage they do? Well, I guess that's ok. I mean it does balance the game and make war harder and it is kind of realistic I guess. So I guess they're ok.
*Later on...*
Hmm, I think I'll try just an army of calvary. Well this isn't right, these things are killing everybody and I'm hardly losing any. I guess those artillery are pretty worthless after all. At least the calvary don't destroy improvements in a city before I capture it. So, I'm not gonna build any more cannons or artillery in a game. There goes another unit that is worthless for the whole game.
I would like to offer some suggested solutions to these ideas, and I will if this thread is received well. So, what do you think? Have you found the units of the modern era to be same 'ol same 'ol with little changes in the way you play? I know for me it has really contributed to end game "boredom."