hi all just started my 1st civ 3 game....it seems...that workers are not able to terraform at all....ie chg mountain to hills.....hills to grassland....or worse...desert to plains....is this a glitch... ? or am i missing a resource..... ?? or was it intentional ?? if soo it ruins the whole core of what was fun in CIV ! taking a bad island, desert, or mountain range...and making it productive ??? is there a patch ??? or what ?? HELP oh also noticed that when i try loading a saved gm. at end of a turn....when active unit is blinking...if i hit "main" ..i get load list.. i see gm i want ie rome 300bc.sav...but when i click the "O" at bottom left the screen disappears..and goes back to the active unit...if i repeat it a 2nd time it works.. is this a known bug ???
