I've noticed a lot of people asking for Civil Wars back and I agree. I know this probably should appear in one of the Top threads, but I'd kind of like a seperate thread to discuss ideas for Civil War implementation.
Civil Wars were excellent in Civ2, but I think there was one fundamental flaw in them... they essentially destroyed any opposition a civ posed to the person capturing its capital. Civil Wars were fun, but their only use was in watching an enemy civ's empire turn to dust. If Civil Wars are going to be put into Civ3, they need to apply seriously to the human players as well (it's rare that humans ever lose their capital).
What if Civil Wars had a probability of occurring based on the war weariness of the civ (like Democracy collapsing)? The longer and more aggressively you war, the more likely you are to have a revolution within your empire (depending on your govt of course). The cities that revolt will depend on their former culture rating. Cities that you founded will never join the rebel faction because they never had a 'previous civ culture level.' Every city which you have captured will defect if it's current culture level is lower than its culture level under it's original civ. Thus, enemy capitals and big cities would almost certainly go, while you would maintain control over your original cities and the smaller, more easily controllable foreign population. It should make no difference if the citizens of the rebel city have all been assimilated, if you haven't sufficiently developed the city so that it has passed its old culture level, you will lose it if a Civil War erupts. The civ that these cities join will be determined in the following order:
1) Largest civ that the player has conquered.
2) If player has not conquered any civs, the largest civ that has most recently been eliminated.
3) If no civs have been eliminated, the cities revert to the owners that had them with their highest culture rating.
In addition, all units in the cities and within the city radius should switch sides intact.
Such a drastic loss should only occur under extreme circumstances. It should be more likely (with high war weariness) under govts that tolerate more free speech (much more likely under Dem and Rep than under Comm). In addition, if it is found that this system results in too much loss for the player in question, the defecting cities could be given a probability of defection based on the ratio of their current culture to their former culture rather than just automatically defecting.
Comments? Ideas?
Civil Wars were excellent in Civ2, but I think there was one fundamental flaw in them... they essentially destroyed any opposition a civ posed to the person capturing its capital. Civil Wars were fun, but their only use was in watching an enemy civ's empire turn to dust. If Civil Wars are going to be put into Civ3, they need to apply seriously to the human players as well (it's rare that humans ever lose their capital).
What if Civil Wars had a probability of occurring based on the war weariness of the civ (like Democracy collapsing)? The longer and more aggressively you war, the more likely you are to have a revolution within your empire (depending on your govt of course). The cities that revolt will depend on their former culture rating. Cities that you founded will never join the rebel faction because they never had a 'previous civ culture level.' Every city which you have captured will defect if it's current culture level is lower than its culture level under it's original civ. Thus, enemy capitals and big cities would almost certainly go, while you would maintain control over your original cities and the smaller, more easily controllable foreign population. It should make no difference if the citizens of the rebel city have all been assimilated, if you haven't sufficiently developed the city so that it has passed its old culture level, you will lose it if a Civil War erupts. The civ that these cities join will be determined in the following order:
1) Largest civ that the player has conquered.
2) If player has not conquered any civs, the largest civ that has most recently been eliminated.
3) If no civs have been eliminated, the cities revert to the owners that had them with their highest culture rating.
In addition, all units in the cities and within the city radius should switch sides intact.
Such a drastic loss should only occur under extreme circumstances. It should be more likely (with high war weariness) under govts that tolerate more free speech (much more likely under Dem and Rep than under Comm). In addition, if it is found that this system results in too much loss for the player in question, the defecting cities could be given a probability of defection based on the ratio of their current culture to their former culture rather than just automatically defecting.
Comments? Ideas?