My thoughts on Civs and Civil War:
First, *outstanding* topic of discussion, and truly something that is missing from the current Civ-model.
Second, I think it could quite nicely tie into the Protectorate notion mentioned on the "Disenchanted" thread, thus, Civil Wars could fall into two categories:
1) General unhappiness/Culturally diverse civs with clearly divided population groups (ie - the western half of my civ, formerly cities of France, stand a MUCH higher chance of breaking away than my core).
2) A semi-Autonomous Protectorate, long tired of the burdensome taxes I'm imposing on them tries to gain their independence. (13 Colonies).
In either case, the breakaways would need the following stuff to mount a reasonable chance for succeeding:
A) A prominant leader (bobbing head) all their own
B) Outside assistance - The breakaway state should *immediately* use whatever resources are necessary to get a MPP with one or more of my current rivals, and the nearer to the action and larger, the better!
C) The breakaway state should have special rules governing terms of peace with the state they broke from (and in all liklihood, they would rather be absorbed fully by their MPP allies than be absorbed back into my fold--else they'd not have broken away in the first place).
D) Relaxed rules for using conscription/draft for X-number of turns so they can mount a credible military to back up their bid for independence, along with special "revloter status" construction costs on new units for a like number of turns (as the upstarts scramble and scrounge any and all available resources to fight off the Evil Empire)
E) Special "Revolter" status units that get a combat bonus when defending their homeland, but suffer penalties (or at least no bonuses) when counter-attacking into the territory of their former masters.
Hmmm....come to think of it, one thing that'd really be cool if they were to implement/bring back Civil Wars is to have a "Time Warp" option for players to play. The game actually starts somewhere in the Industrial Age, and the player gets control of a rebel faction, trying to stand against a well-established THAT'D be cool!
First, *outstanding* topic of discussion, and truly something that is missing from the current Civ-model.
Second, I think it could quite nicely tie into the Protectorate notion mentioned on the "Disenchanted" thread, thus, Civil Wars could fall into two categories:
1) General unhappiness/Culturally diverse civs with clearly divided population groups (ie - the western half of my civ, formerly cities of France, stand a MUCH higher chance of breaking away than my core).
2) A semi-Autonomous Protectorate, long tired of the burdensome taxes I'm imposing on them tries to gain their independence. (13 Colonies).
In either case, the breakaways would need the following stuff to mount a reasonable chance for succeeding:
A) A prominant leader (bobbing head) all their own
B) Outside assistance - The breakaway state should *immediately* use whatever resources are necessary to get a MPP with one or more of my current rivals, and the nearer to the action and larger, the better!
C) The breakaway state should have special rules governing terms of peace with the state they broke from (and in all liklihood, they would rather be absorbed fully by their MPP allies than be absorbed back into my fold--else they'd not have broken away in the first place).
D) Relaxed rules for using conscription/draft for X-number of turns so they can mount a credible military to back up their bid for independence, along with special "revloter status" construction costs on new units for a like number of turns (as the upstarts scramble and scrounge any and all available resources to fight off the Evil Empire)
E) Special "Revolter" status units that get a combat bonus when defending their homeland, but suffer penalties (or at least no bonuses) when counter-attacking into the territory of their former masters.
Hmmm....come to think of it, one thing that'd really be cool if they were to implement/bring back Civil Wars is to have a "Time Warp" option for players to play. The game actually starts somewhere in the Industrial Age, and the player gets control of a rebel faction, trying to stand against a well-established THAT'D be cool!
